VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter for Mac converts image to PDF, JPG to PDF in Mac OS X

VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter for Mac converts image to PDF, JPG to PDF in Mac OS X. VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter for Mac helps Mac users convert many kinds of images to PDF files singly or in batches, which can not only save your time, but also save your money. Furthermore, VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter for Mac supports editing properties of PDF files flexibly and professionally.

VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter for Mac,

VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter,

VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line,

Image to PDF Converter for Mac is a Mac application which can directly convert dozens of image formats, such as TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PCX, PIC and so on, into PDF format. Image to PDF Converter for Mac can automatically clear and skew-correct B/W images by employing special techniques to insure high quality output after conversion. Image to PDF Converter for Mac can operate independently of Adobe Acrobat and has faster processing speed. Image to PDF Converter for Mac provides a very convenient, simple way to compose electronic books which can then be issued to the Web. You can scan paper documents directly to image files and then convert them to PDF using Image to PDF Converter for Mac software.

Features of VeryPDF Image to PDF Converter for Mac:

* Support running in all Mac OS systems
* Support convert image to PDF in batches
* Support editing information of PDF files, e.g., title, subject, keywords and author
* Support merging dozens of PDF files to single PDF file
* Support rotating page of PDF, editing page size of PDF and setting compression mode of PDF
* Support encrypting created PDF with user password and owner password
* Support converting images to black and white PDF
* Support TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PCD, PSD, TGA, BMP, DCX, PIC, EMF, WMF, etc. image formats
* Combines multiple directories and images into one PDF file
* Do NOT need Adobe Acrobat software
* Support Multi-page image file (TIFF) to PDF conversion
* Support sorting on file name when converting batches
* Set automatic despeckling (of B/W images; removes noise) and skew-correction
* Merge several image files into a single PDF file during batch converting, or convert each image file into individual PDF file
* Makes use of effective compression processing to minimize space occupied by the created PDF files; for example, an A4 paper size TIFF file with a B/W image the output size is about 40KB to 50KB per page; color and gray-scale images are also compressed and optimized
* Password protection for PDF files with 40 or 128 bit encryption
* Set file permissions to restrict printing, copying, and future modifications to the document
* Automatically open PDF file after creation
* Specify any resolution in the generated PDF file
* Specify paper size (paper width and paper height), rotation, margins to the generated PDF file
* Overwrite, append or insert image files to an existing PDF file
* Set document title, subject, author, keywords, producer, creator, creation date, modify date to PDF
* Generate bookmarks
* Merge to an existing PDF file (insert before the first page or append to the last page)
* Merge several PDF files into one PDF file
* Burst one multi-page PDF file into several PDF files
* Create PDF/A PDF file
* Create PDF/X PDF file
* Set watermark into PDF file, include watermark content, type, font name, font size, bold, italic, underline, strikeout, angle, text color, X/Y offset, etc. attributes

KEYWORDS: image to pdf,image2pdf,tif to pdf,tiff to pdf, jpg to pdf, gif to pdf, png to pdf, bmp to pdf, psd tof pdf, wmf to pdf, emf to pdf,pcx to pdf, pic to pdf ,convert pdf,create pdf files,append pdf,pdf creator,make pdf documents,pdf writer,combine pdf,ocr, jpg, jpeg, jpeg2000, jpeg2k, jbig, jbig2, compress, compression, compression, jbig2 pdf, jpeg2000 pdf, ocr pdf,image compression,document compression, compress pdf, pdf compression, pdf compressor,convert tiff to pdf,convert jpeg to pdf,tiff to pdf,jpeg to pdf,adobe pdf,pdf tool,pdf software,pdf document,create pdf file,creating pdf file,pdf solution,jpeg compression,pdf converter,converting file to pdf,pdf compression,image compression jpeg,compression file pdf,color compression

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