Hi Team,
I have been trying your tool to convert HTML to TIF file. Following command suffice my requirement.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v7.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i D:\test.html -o D:\out.tif -b 1 -r 300x300
Please share reference document or code snippet on how to utilize your API in my JAVA or VB.net program to automate the process of conversion.
We have created a test .bat file to you, please select and copy following command lines and paste them into a .bat file, e.g., D:\html2tif.bat file,
"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v7.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i "%CD%\test.html" -o "%CD%\output_%%04d.png" -b 24 -r 300x300
for %%F in ("%CD%\output_*.png") do "C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v7.0\imgconv.exe" -threshold 90%% "%%F" "%%F"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v7.0\imgconv.exe" -compress Group4 "%CD%\output_*.png" "%CD%\out.tif"
del "%CD%\output_*.png"
Please run html2tif.bat file, you will able to convert HTML file to black and white TIFF file with clear text properly.
If you wish execute the conversion from Java code, you can create "html2tif.bat" file from Java code programmatically, and then call it from your Java code, you will able to convert from HTML file to 1bit TIFF files easily.
Thanks for sharing consolidated batch file. However, it doesn't serve our purpose completely as we need a reverse feed/acknowledgement in our program when conversion is completed successfully or in case any error occurred in conversion.
Pls let us know any API mechanism which can be called from our program with proper return message for further handling.
Thanks for your message, we have created a new version of HTML2Image COM today, please download the new version from this URL,
Please look at the usage at below,
Q: How to use "HTML2ImageCom.exe" COM interface?
A: Please by following steps to use "HTML2ImageCom.exe" COM interface,
1. Run "install.vbs" to install "HTML2ImageCom.exe" COM into your system first,
2. Run "example_VBScript\test.vbs" or following VBScript code to convert a web page to image file,
set VeryPDFCom = CreateObject("VeryPDF.HTML2ImageCom")
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = filesys.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
'strFolder = filesys.GetParentFolderName(strFolder)
strOutFile = strFolder & "\out.png"
strCmd = "-$=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -url=http://www.verydoc.com -out=" & strOutFile
msgbox strCmd
strReturn = VeryPDFCom.HTML2Image(strCmd)
MsgBox strReturn
3. OK, you will get an output image file after a few seconds.
You can call "VeryPDF.HTML2ImageCom" from both 32bit and 64bit applications, we hope this COM will work fine to you.
If this API still can't meet your requirement, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you continue.
Hi there,
We are moving our site are new windows2012 64bit, we are not able register html2image.dll on the new server.
Could you help?
We are using your dll on for our .net website.
below is error throws,
Unable to find an entry point named 'HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd' in DLL 'pdfshell.dll'.
But the pdfshell.dll is registered on the windows 2012 64 bit without any issue.
You can use pdfshell-x64.dll to instead of pdfshell.dll to try again, we hope pdfshell-x64.dll will work fine to you.
pdfshell-x64.dll is for 64bit applications,
pdfshell.dll is for 32bit applications,