Dear VeryPDF Support Team,
As you know that , we are already using two tools of yours for our client.
We wanted to know your opinion and suggestion about best tool command line which will be installed on our windows server which can convert all types of Files extension to PDF.
We wanted to use command line tool as files of different format will come to our server and this tool will be responsible to convert all type of files to PDF.
This file size may vary from 1 MB to 200 MB.
also this tool should be customized enough to work with our existing functionality.
We will be having a Folder Watcher script which will continuously looking for the non pdf file , or all the files in Sub Folder which having the extension like below
If script find this we want your tool to convert this file/s into PDF. Only PDF files can be skipped , all other non pdf files should be converted to PDF.
We found below is tool we can use it.
Please advice , if this fits to our requirement mentioned above.
1. Should this tool / exe / command line will able to manage large number of files and heavy file size. ??
2. How many cores of server machine this exe can use ?
3. Will be there any performance issues and limitations ?
4. What kind of extension will be converted to PDF by this tool ? Please provide the list.
Please advice.
Thanks and regards,
>>We found below is tool we can use it.
>>Please advice , if this fits to our requirement mentioned above.
Yes, docPrint Pro does convert any printable documents to PDF files, docPrint Pro supports command line operation, you can call it from your script to batch convert all file types to PDF files easily.
We have also a "DOC to Any Converter Command Line" product, you may download and purchase it from following web page,
"DOC to Any Converter Command Line" product can also be used to convert Office documents to PDF files. "DOC to Any Converter Command Line" doesn't require MS Office installed in the system, it can use OpenOffice or its own render technologies to convert office files to PDF files.
>>1. Should this tool / exe / command line will able to manage large number of files and heavy file size. ??
>>2. How many cores of server machine this exe can use?
The exe will use more cores automatically, this is controlled by Windows system itself.
>>3. Will be there any performance issues and limitations?
No, if your system has more RAM and CPU, the conversion will be fast enough.
>>4. What kind of extension will be converted to PDF by this tool? Please provide the list.
Please look at supported formats from following web page,