Guten Tag Support,
I have downloaded your HTML2EPUB.exe, tried it out.
I had selected the 37 HTML files of the 37 chapters of a book in HTML format, and expected to get them as an EPUB file.
But your program produced instead 37 separate EPUB files.
This may be OK for many uses, but makes it unfit for my purposes.
We suggest you may by following steps to try again,
1. You can convert all of your HTML files into a single PDF file first,
2. You can use "VeryPDF PDF to ePub Converter Command Line" to convert this PDF file into an EPUB file, you may download the trial version of "VeryPDF PDF to ePub Converter Command Line" from this web page,
We hope above software will reach your requirement, please give them a try.
Guten Tag VeryPDF,
thanks for your answer, but ...
converting from a free-flow format (HTML) to another free-flow format (EPUB) via a fixed layout format (PDF) is not a good idea, in my humble view.
I will stick with Sigil, or the online Web service by Olaf Hoffmann in Hannover (Germany). Or write something myself. Whatever.
The HTML files in question are from a website under my control, and I can prepare the HTML files in a way to make them smoothly convertible to EPUB. I want to offer the download some of the texts as EPUB and also as PDF.
Thanks for your message, please look at an article from this web page,
"VeryPDF PDF to ePub Converter Command Line" is able to convert from PDF and HTML files to EPUB files, you can download and purchase it from this web page,
You can run following command lines to convert from HTML file to EPUB file,
Please run the conversion follow usage and templates.
Usage: epubconverter.exe [options] <input-file> [<epub-file>]
Convert html file to epub directly
epubconverter.exe input.html output.epub
Add a cover for output ePub file using local image file, and the file format could be JP(E)G, PNG, BMP, TIF(F).
epubconverter.exe -cover fashion.jpg input.html output.epub
If you need to add epub information, please follow the following example. By the following command line, you can add title, author, subject language and making date for the output ePub file.
epubconverter.exe -title Times -author "Sam Black" -subject "My Book" –date "2012-12-30" –language French input.html output.epub
If you need to change text and background color, please refer to the following command line.
epubconverter.exe -tcolor #000000 -bcolor #0070C0 input.html output.epub
When you need to adjust the line space and paragraph space, please do as follows.
epubconverter.exe -lspac 5 -pspac 10 input.html output.epub
If you need to adjust the margins from four directions, please use those parameters.
epubconverter.exe -mt 5 -mb 10 -ml 4 -mr 9 input.html output.epub