Now I can get the SPL file, and use spl2pdf_cmd to convert it to PDF file. BUT got another strange and critical problem:
1. For the PDF generated (FP00001_verrypdf.pdf) by spl2pdf_cmd, when I use vc++test.exe to OCR it as text output, could not get the needed info.
2. I also used the arcrobat pdf virtual printer tool, for the same print job, it can output a PDF (FP00001_virtual.pdf), and use vc++test.exe to OCR it, could get quite accurate result.
I will attach all the related files later.
FP00001.SPL: the SPL file
FP00001_real.jpg: the real printer output
FP00001_verrypdf.pdf: used the spl2pdf_cmd to get the PDF from SPL file
FP00001_verrypdf.txt: used the verypdf OCR tool vc++test.exe to get the text output
FP00001_virtual.pdf: used arcrobat virtual printer to get the PDF
FP00001_virtual.txt: used the verypdf OCR tool vc++test.exe to get the text output
The command I used as below:
D:\>cd D:\Project\verypdf\pdf2txtocrsdk_qt
D:\Project\verypdf\pdf2txtocrsdk_qt>vc++test.exe FP00001_verrypdf.pdf FP00001_verrypdf.txt
nRet = 0
D:\Project\verypdf\pdf2txtocrsdk_qt>vc++test.exe FP00001_virtual.pdf FP00001_virtual.txt
nRet = 0
FP00001_verrypdf.pdf is a PDF file which contain image data only.
FP00001_virtual.pdf is a PDF file which contain text contents.
FP00001.SPL is an EMF-SPL file which contain image data only.
If you wish to create the FP00001_virtual.pdf file, you need modify the options in your virtual printer in order to create a text based FP00001.SPL file, then you will able to create FP00001_virtual.pdf file properly by SPL2PDF SDK.
You may also download following products from our website to try,
You can use these products to create text based EMF-SPL file properly.
I just used virtual printer for comparison and test purpose. In the real project, only physical printers used.
For the physical printer, can I get the pdf file (which is generated via spl file) similar to the one generated by virtual printer, so could get the text info easily?
>>For the physical printer, can I get the pdf file (which is generated via spl file) similar to the one generated by virtual printer, so could get the text info easily?
This matter is depend on your physical printer, the different physical printers will create different SPL file formats, we suggest you may use your real physical printer to test the final SPL format, so that you will able to find out the issues easily.
Your help remind me of a new solution,but not sure if it is feasible:
1.replace the physical printer driver with the virtual printer driver in our project's specific third party application config.
2. when printing, the virtual printer can generate the pdf with text info, which can be easily extracted.
3. use the virtual printer sdk, when the pdf saved, some callback function will be triggered, in the callback, i can add some logic to make the original real physical printer to print the same thing.
Is the above possible? Thanks!
Best regards.
>>1.replace the physical printer driver with the virtual printer driver in our project's specific third party application config.
>>2. when printing, the virtual printer can generate the pdf with text info, which can be easily extracted.
>>3. use the virtual printer sdk, when the pdf saved, some callback function will be triggered, in the callback, i can add some logic to make the original real physical printer to print the same thing.
>>Is the above possible? Thanks!
Yes, of course, above solution is possible, we have finished some similar projects for other customers in the past.
We have several methods to "hook a physical printer" or "redirect print job from virtual printer to physical printer", we have also several software to finish these functions.
Method 1. Use VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK to capture SPL files and use "SPL to PDF Converter Command Line" to convert from SPL files to PDF files.
If you need to hook a physical printer, yes, VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK is a good choice, after you install the VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK, when you print documents to arbitrary Windows printer, you will able to capture the SPL files,
But with this method, you need also use "SPL to PDF Converter Command Line" or "SPL to PDF Converter SDK" product to convert from SPL files to PDF files,
The generated PDFs' quality is depend on your physical printer.
Method 2. Install docPrint Pro as a "dummy printer", connection between docPrint Pro and physical printer.
You can download and install docPrint Pro from this web page,
You can install docPrint Pro product as a "dummy printer", add a connection between docPrint Pro and physical printer, when you print a document to docPrint Pro, docPrint Pro will save print job to PDF file first, and the forward print job to physical printer continue, you will get both PDF file and printout, please look at following web pages for more information,
Method 3. Install docPrint Pro as a "System-wide HookPrinter", use docPrint as a Printer Capturer.
You can download and install docPrint Pro from this web page,
docPrint Pro software has a "-hookprinter" function, this function is same as "VeryPDF HookPrinter SDK", but it has two more functions,
1. Save the captured print jobs to PDF or image files first,
2. Forward the captured print jobs to physical printer continue,
Please by following steps to use "-hookprinter" option,
1. Download and install docPrint Pro v7.0 version first,
2. Run following application to set Printer Capturer options,
"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v7.0\artprint.exe" -hookprinter
You need set "Output folder" to save captured documents.
You need click "Install HookPrinter" button to install Printer Capturer.
You need click "Save&Close" button to close this dialog, and print a document to an arbitrary Windows Printer, you will get captured documents appear in predefined folder automatically.
3. OK.
"-hookprinter" option will capture everything that you sent to any Windows Printer.
If you want just print a document to docPrint first, and then forward to other printers, you can use "-forward-options" option to instead of "-hookprinter" option, for example,
"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v7.0\artprint.exe" -forward-options
After you set the options, click "Save&Close" button to close this dialog, when an user print a document to docPrint, docPrint will redirect the print job to predefined printer properly.
"-hookprinter" and "-forward-options" are two different printer capture and forwarding methods, you can choose either one according to your requirements.
Method 4. Print a document to docPrint or "docPrint PDF Driver" and save to a new PDF or image or other formats.
This solution is simple, after you install the docPrint Pro software, you will see two printers appear in the Printer&Fax folder, docPrint and docPrint PDF Driver. You can simple print a document to docPrint or docPrint PDF Driver and save to a new PDF or image or other formats easily.
In general, "-forward-options" option in docPrint Pro software is more simple and work better, the other options are complexity for end users.
We suggest you may test above methods, if you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.