Can we set the underline and bold on text in the command line?
We are using the -FT"Arial" parameter and would like to set also the bold or/and underline. By using -FN101 it is possible to set the bold. But we would like to use an other font.
You can use "Arial,Bold" to specify "Bold" property, for example,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext1.pdf -at VeryPDF -FN201
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext2.pdf -at VeryPDF -FT "Arial,Bold"
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext3.pdf -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial,Bold" -mlr72 -mtb72 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb172 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb272
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test_boldtext4.pdf -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial Black" -mlr72 -mtb72 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb172 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -mlr72 -mtb272 -unicode
However, pdfstamp.exe doesn't support underline style yet, we will support it in the next minor update version.
Tried to use the version of -FT "Arial,Bold" but the property Bold is not done.
Used the following statement:
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "Arial Bold.pdf" -o "Arial BoldUPD.pdf" -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial,Bold" -P1 -mlr10 -FS8 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -P1 -mlr80 -FS8 -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial Black" -P1 -mlr160 -FS8
Attached the output pdf
Please download the latest version of pdfstamp command line from our website to try again,
The latest version of pdfstamp.exe does support following command line properly,
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "Arial Bold.pdf" -o "Arial BoldUPD.pdf" -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial,Bold" -P1 -mlr10 -FS8 -unicode -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial" -P1 -mlr80 -FS8 -unicode -at "@@HelloWorld" -ft "Arial Black" -P1 -mlr160 -FS8 -unicode
This is the screenshot of above command line,