Convert PPT to HTML format | Convert PowerPoint to HTML | Easily publish PPT online‎

Do you have software that converts PPT to html?

Also, do you have software that converts PDF to html?

Someone has mocked up a website using PowerPoint, and I have to convert it to HTML / CSS.

This is not a request to simply embed PowerPoint into the webpages. This will not be a static HTML site. PHP will generate HTML, and there are a bunch of forms for the user to submit information.

Is there a conversion tool, or a series of conversion hoops that I can jump through? I'd much rather have the styles in CSS than inline in the HTML.


>>Do you have software that converts PPT to html?

Yes, we have, you can use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert from PPT files to HTML files.

>>Also, do you have software that converts PDF to html?

Yes, you can use "PDF to HTML Converter Command Line" software to convert from PDF files to HTML files,


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