I have been using pdf print cmd for 5-10 years with great success but lately after an upgrade to our cad software (moved from Autodesk AutoCad to Autodesk Inventor) has a new layout (fonts and stuff) on the PDF files that's are exported this has lead some issues when printing.
To start off this is my cmd run string that has worked before,
C:\Temp\Print\PDFPRINT\pdfprint.exe -$ "SECRET" -nochgprinter -restoreprinter -orient 2 -printer "" -duplex 3 -mergeprintjobs "C:\Temp\Files\Print.txt"
print.txt contains following text lines,
after the implementation of Autodesk inventor some of the measurements on the drawings are off center as in not in the middle off the measurement lines as its supposed to.
Tried to add -raster in order to fix this which it did and the measurements are centered again but this lead to problems with orientation on some of our drawings and all text is considerably bolder than in the same PDF from Acrobat Reader
then I tried to replace -raster with -useembedfont which resolved problems with orientation and off centered measurements that raster brought but no success with the bold text.
Have tried several more parameters and settings with no great success.
Can you please point me in the right direction?
If it will help you I can e-mail my sample files.
I am currently using version 2.5 in my business environment but have tested this with current evaluation version (7?) on your web site with the same result.
Thanks in advance
We suggest you may add -raster2 parameter to try again, -raster2 parameter will render PDF pages to images first, and then print the raster images to target printer again, you may run following command line to try,
C:\Temp\Print\PDFPRINT\pdfprint.exe -$ "SECRET" -raster2 -nochgprinter -restoreprinter -orient 2 -printer "" -duplex 3 -mergeprintjobs "C:\Temp\Files\Print.txt"
Will you work better with -raster2 parameter?