How to change the PDF paper size from Command Line? I would like to change from Letter paper size to A4 paper size, how do I do that?

VeryPDF has a pdfresizer.exe Command Line application, you can run this PDF Resizer Command Line application from command line to change the paper size to PDF files easily, for example, you can run following command line to convert any paper size in PDF file to Letter paper size,

pdfresizer.exe -resizepaper "612x792" D:\downloads\test.pdf D:\downloads\out.pdf

If you need this pdfresizer.exe Command Line application, please feel free to contact us, we will assist you asap,

This command line is working very well to change the paper size in my PDF files. Is there any documentation you can pass along that would list the batch options that are available? I am particularly interested in the -resizepaper switch.

-resizepaper "612x792" converts PDF paper size to letter size.

Where does the 612x792 come from?

612x792 are points for the letter paper size, you can choose more paper sizes like below,

A4 paper size is 595x842 points,
A3 paper size is 842x1191 points,
A2 paper size is 1191x1684 points,
A1 paper size is 1684x2384 points,
Legal paper size is 612x1009 points,
Letter paper size is 612x792 points,
and son on.


A quite extensive list of paper sizes in mm, inches and points.

ISO paper sizes

Paper size mm inches points
A0 841 x 1189 33.1 x 46.8 2384 x 3370
A1 594 x 841 23.4 x 33.1 1684 x 2384
A10 26 x 37 1 x 1.5 74 x 105
A2 420 x 594 16.5 x 23.4 1191 x 1684
A3 297 x 420 11.7 x 16.5 842 x 1191
A4 210 x 297 8.3 x 11.7 595 x 842
A5 148 x 210 5.8 x 8.3 420 x 595
A6 105 x 148 4.1 x 5.8 298 x 420
A7 74 x 105 2.9 x 4.1 210 x 298
A8 52 x 74 2 x 2.9 147 x 210
A9 37 x 52 1.5 x 2 105 x 147
B0 1414 x 1000 55.7 x 39.4 4008 x 2835
B1 1000 x 707 39.4 x 27.8 2835 x 2004
B1+ 1020 x 720 40.2 x 28.3 2891 x 2041
B10 44 x 31 1.7 x 1.2 125 x 88
B2 707 x 500 27.8 x 19.7 2004 x 1417
B2+ 720 x 520 28.3 x 20.5 2041 x 1474
B3 500 x 353 19.7 x 13.9 1417 x 1001
B4 353 x 250 13.9 x 9.8 1001 x 709
B5 250 x 176 9.8 x 6.9 709 x 499
B6 176 x 125 6.9 x 4.9 499 x 354
B7 125 x 88 4.9 x 3.5 354 x 249
B8 88 x 62 3.5 x 2.4 249 x 176
B9 62 x 44 2.4 x 1.7 176 x 125
C0 1297 x 917 51.5 x 36.1 3677 x 2599
C1 917 x 648 36.1 x 25.5 2599 x 1837
C10 40 x 28 1.6 x 1.1 113 x 79
C2 648 x 458 25.5 x 18 1837 x 1298
C3 458 x 324 18 x 12.8 1298 x 918
C4 324 x 229 12.8 x 9 918 x 649
C5 229 x 162 9 x 6.4 649 x 459
C6 162 x 114 6.4 x 4.5 459 x 323
C7 114 x 81 4.5 x 3.2 323 x 230
C8 81 x 57 3.2 x 2.2 230 x 162
C9 57 x 40 2.2 x 1.6 162 x 113

North American sizes

Paper size mm inches points
Government-Letter 203.2 x 266.7 8 x 10.5 576 x 756
Junior Legal 127 x 203 5 x 8 360 x 575
Ledger 432 x 279 17 x 11 1225 x 791
Legal 216 x 356 8.5 x 14 612 x 1009
Letter 216 x 279 8.5 x 11 612 x 791
Tabloid 279 x 432 11 x 17 791 x 1225

ANSI paper sizes

Paper size mm inches points
ANSI A (letter) 216 x 279 8.5 x 11 612 x 791
ANSI B (ledger & tabloid) 279 x 432 11 x 17 791 x 1225
ANSI C 432 x 559 17 x 22 1225 x 1585
ANSI D 559 x 864 22 x 34 1585 x 2449
ANSI E 864 x 1118 34 x 44 2449 x 3169

Architectural paper sizes

Paper size mm inches points
Arch A 229 x 305 9 x 12 649 x 865
Arch B 305 x 457 12 x 18 865 x 1295
Arch C 457 x 610 18 x 24 1295 x 1729
Arch D 610 x 914 24 x 36 1729 x 2591
Arch E 914 x 1219 36 x 48 2591 x 3455
Arch E1 762 x 1067 30 x 42 2160 x 3025
Arch E2 660 x 965 26 x 38 1871 x 2735
Arch E3 686 x 991 27 x 39 1945 x 2809

Business card sizes

Paper size mm inches points
Business card (Japan) 55 x 91 2.2 x 3.6 156 x 258
Business card (UK) 55 x 85 2.2 x 3.3 156 x 241
Business card (US) 51 x 89 2 x 3.5 145 x 252

Common US press sheet sizes

Paper size mm inches points
11 x 17 279.4 x 431.8 11 x 17 792 x 1224
12 x 18 304.8 x 457.2 12 x 18 864 x 1296
17 x 22 431.8 x 558.8 17 x 22 1224 x 1584
19 x 25 482.6 x 635 19 x 25 1368 x 1800
20 x 26 508 x 660.4 20 x 26 1440 x 1872
23 x 29 584.2 x 736.6 23 x 29 1656 x 2088
23 x 35 584.2 x 889 23 x 35 1656 x 2520
24 x 36 609.6 x 914.4 24 x 36 1728 x 2592
25 x 38 635 x 965.2 25 x 38 1800 x 2736
26 x 40 660.4 x 1016 26 x 40 1872 x 2880
28 x 40 711.2 x 1016 28 x 40 2016 x 2880
35 x 45 889 x 1143 35 x 45 2520 x 3240
38 x 50 965.2 x 1270 38 x 50 2736 x 3600


Paper size mm inches points
1/3 A4 99 x 210 3.9 x 8.3 281 x 595
48 sheet billboard 6096 x 3048 240 x 120 17280 x 8640
A format paperback 110 x 178 4.3 x 7 312 x 505
A4 square 210 x 210 8.3 x 8.3 595 x 595
B format paperback 130 x 198 5.1 x 7.8 369 x 561
CD case insert 120 x 120 4.7 x 4.7 340 x 340
Gutenberg Bible 280 x 398 11 x 15.7 794 x 1128

RA & SRA paper sizes

Paper size mm inches points
RA0 860 x 1220 33.0125 x 46.75 2438 x 3458
RA1 610 x 860 24 x 33.9 1729 x 2438
RA2 430 x 610 16.9 x 24 1219 x 1729
RA3 305 x 430 12 x 16.9 865 x 1219
RA4 215 x 305 8.5 x 12 609 x 865
SRA0 900 x 1280 35.4 x 50.4 2551 x 3628
SRA1 640 x 900 25.2 x 35.4 1814 x 2551
SRA2 450 x 640 17.7 x 25.2 1276 x 1814
SRA3 320 x 450 12.6 x 17.7 907 x 1276
SRA4 225 x 320 8.9 x 12.6 638 x 907

US Announcement envelope sizes

Paper size mm inches points
A-10 envelope 152.4 x 241.3 6 x 9.5 432 x 684
A-2 envelope 111.125 x 146.05 4.375 x 5.75 315 x 414
A-6 envelope 120.65 x 165.1 4.75 x 6.5 342 x 468
A-7 envelope 133.35 x 184.15 5.25 x 7.25 378 x 522
A-8 envelope 139.7 x 206.375 5.5 x 8.125 396 x 585
A-Slim envelope 98.425 x 225.425 3.875 x 8.875 279 x 639

US Baronial envelope sizes

Paper size mm inches points
4 Baronial envelope 92.075 x 130.175 3.625 x 5.125 261 x 369
5.5 Baronial envelope 111.125 x 146.05 4.375 x 5.75 315 x 414
6 Baronial envelope 120.65 x 165.1 4.75 x 6.5 342 x 468
Lee envelope 133.35 x 184.15 5.25 x 7.25 378 x 522

US Booklet envelope sizes

Paper size mm inches points
10 Booklet envelope 241.3 x 320.675 9.5 x 12.625 684 x 909
13 Booklet envelope 254 x 330.2 10 x 13 720 x 936
3 Booklet envelope 120.65 x 165.1 4.75 x 6.5 342 x 468
4.5 Booklet envelope 139.7 x 190.5 5.5 x 7.5 396 x 540
6 Booklet envelope 146.05 x 225.425 5.75 x 8.875 414 x 639
6.5 Booklet envelope 152.4 x 228.6 6 x 9 432 x 648
6.625 Booklet envelope 152.4 x 241.3 6 x 9.5 432 x 684
6.75 Booklet envelope 165.1 x 241.3 6.5 x 9.5 468 x 684
7.25 Booklet envelope 177.8 x 254 7 x 10 504 x 720
7.5 Booklet envelope 190.5 x 266.7 7.5 x 10.5 540 x 756
9 Booklet envelope 222.25 x 292.1 8.75 x 11.5 630 x 828
9.5 Booklet envelope 228.6 x 304.8 9 x 12 648 x 864

US Catalog envelope sizes

Paper size mm inches points
1 Catalog envelope 152.4 x 228.6 6 x 9 432 x 648
1.75 Catalog envelope 165.1 x 241.3 6.5 x 9.5 468 x 684
10.5 Catalog envelope 228.6 x 304.8 9 x 12 648 x 864
12.5 Catalog envelope 241.3 x 317.5 9.5 x 12.5 684 x 900
13.5 Catalog envelope 254 x 330.2 10 x 13 720 x 936
14.5 Catalog envelope 292.1 x 368.3 11.5 x 14.5 828 x 1044
15.5 Catalog envelope 304.8 x 393.7 12 x 15.5 864 x 1116
3 Catalog envelope 177.8 x 254 7 x 10 504 x 720
6 Catalog envelope 190.5 x 266.7 7.5 x 10.5 540 x 756
9.75 Catalog envelope 222.25 x 285.75 8.75 x 11.25 630 x 810

US Commercial/Official envelope sizes

Paper size mm inches points
10 Official envelope 104.775 x 241.3 4.125 x 9.5 297 x 684
11 Official envelope 114.3 x 263.525 4.5 x 10.375 324 x 747
12 Official envelope 120.65 x 279.4 4.75 x 11 342 x 792
14 Official envelope 127 x 292.1 5 x 11.5 360 x 828
6.25 Commercial envelope 88.9 x 152.4 3.5 x 6 252 x 432
6.75 Commercial envelope 92.075 x 165.1 3.625 x 6.5 261 x 468
7 Official envelope 95.25 x 171.45 3.75 x 6.75 270 x 486
7.75 Official envelope 98.425 x 190.5 3.875 x 7.5 279 x 540
8.625 Official envelope 92.075 x 219.075 3.625 x 8.625 261 x 621
9 Official envelope 98.425 x 225.425 3.875 x 8.875 279 x 639

US Square envelope sizes

Paper size mm inches points
6 Square envelope 152.4 x 152.4 6 x 6 432 x 432
6.5 Square envelope 165.1 x 165.1 6.5 x 6.5 468 x 468
7 Square envelope 177.8 x 177.8 7 x 7 504 x 504
7.5 Square envelope 190.5 x 190.5 7.5 x 7.5 540 x 540
8 Square envelope 203.2 x 203.2 8 x 8 576 x 576
8.5 Square envelope 215.9 x 215.9 8.5 x 8.5 612 x 612
9 Square envelope 228.6 x 228.6 9 x 9 648 x 648
9.5 Square envelope 241.3 x 241.3 9.5 x 9.5 684 x 684
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How to change the PDF paper size from Command Line? I would like to change from Letter paper size to A4 paper size, how do I do that?, 5.5 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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