I have created the batch file to merge the docs in one pdf.
1.pdf 2.pdf -merge -output x.pdf
3.pdf -merge -output y.pdf
7.pdf -merge -output a.pdf
4.pdf 5.pdf 6.pdf -merge -output z.pdf
from the above example only 2 files get merged,
y.pdf and z.pdf are not generated.
For rest of them there is no error but the final merge output file is not generated.
Do you have any idea why it worked for some of the files and not for the rest?
I have created the batch file and I even checked the exact formats for the files which processed with the one which is not processed. not sure what is the issue.
Thanks for your message, please change from "-merge -output" options to "-merge -outfile" options, you will able to get them work, for example,
pdftoolbox.exe 1.pdf 2.pdf -merge -outfile x.pdf
pdftoolbox.exe 3.pdf -merge -outfile y.pdf
pdftoolbox.exe 7.pdf -merge -outfile a.pdf
pdftoolbox.exe 4.pdf 5.pdf 6.pdf -merge -outfile z.pdf