Dear Verypdf,
We have been using a licensed version of pdfprint command line on a windows server 2012 for several years now. Recently we migrated to a new windows server 2016 and verypdf doesn't seem to find the printers anymore while printing from a SYSTEM user (from a php platform).
We have installed and copied all printers in the registry to HK_USERS.
The -listprinter command provides the list of all printers correctly.
Tested with both local and network printers with all possible alias combinations (IP/name/..) all returning the same error message.
The debug log show following:
Reading Command Line options...
Copyright (C)
"XXX\pdfprint.exe" "-$" "XXX" "-printer" "XXX" "-debug" "-logtofile" "logloglog.ext" "-pdforient" "1" "-scalex" "100" "-scaley" "100" "XXX\label_test.pdf"
Version Build Date: Aug 7 2016
Try to load 'WINSPOOL.DRV' file...
Load 'WINSPOOL.DRV' file OK.
Current default printer is 'Microsoft Print to PDF'.
SetDefaultPrinter to 'XXX' printer, return code = 0.
The exec command shows:
{"output":"FAIL","cmd":"XXX\\pdfprint.exe -$ XXX -printer \\10.100.X.X\\XXX -debug -logtofile \"logloglog.txt\" -pdforient 1 -scalex 100 -scaley 100 XXX\\label_test.pdf","result":"Can't locate the \"XXX\" printer in this computer, please double check the printer name and to try again."}
Do you maybe have any other suggestions?
Kind regards,
Thanks for your message, you can use "CmdAsUser Command Line Tool" or "VeryPDFComRunCmd COM Component" to run pdfprint.exe inside an interactive user account instead of default SYSTEM user, you will able to get it work properly.
You may download "CmdAsUser Command Line Tool" or "VeryPDFComRunCmd COM Component" from this web page to try,
You can run following command line to run pdfprint.exe from an interactive user account,
CmdAsUser.exe Administrator . /p password /c "XXX\pdfprint.exe" "-$" "XXX" "-printer" "XXX" "-debug" "-logtofile" "logloglog.ext" "-pdforient" "1" "-scalex" "100" "-scaley" "100" "XXX\label_test.pdf"
You can also use a COM component to run pdfprint.exe from an interactive user account,
Please look at following web page for more information,