Does doc2any.exe support UNC path or network drive and PDF encryption?

Does your doc2any.exe tool is able to read UNC path or network drive , I'm facing issue because I have error returning that file does not exists? I'm using PHP script with admin credential.

C:\wwwroot\doc2any>php exec.php
[0] =>
[1] => RunAs version 2.2.1
[2] => Copyright (c) 2003-2007 XXXXXX Technologies, Inc.
[3] =>
[4] => Logging in as ln\boss...
[5] => Setting user environment...
[6] => Logged in. Impersonating...
[7] => Starting process doc2any.exe...
[8] => Waiting for process to complete...
[9] => Process completed with exit code 0
[10] =>

So seems that doc2any is not working with UNC path, can you confirm ?

I tried to use -encryption 3900 but I'm still able to print...


>>So seems that doc2any is not working with UNC path, can you confirm ?

Yes, doc2any.exe may not support UNC path properly, you may map the UNC path to local drive, such as X:\, you will able to get it work properly, for example,

doc2any.exe X:\test\in.docx X:\test\out.pdf

>>I tried to use -encryption 3900 but I'm still able to print...

Yes, the encryption function has been disabled in the latest trial version, if you have purchased the doc2any.exe software, please send to us your Order ID, we will send the latest version of doc2any.exe to you asap, the latest version of doc2any.exe does support encryption without any restrictions.


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