I would like to purchase a New License of VeryPDF Toolbox for AIX server.

I would like to purchase a New License of VeryPDF Toolbox for AIX server. Could you please help? I could not find the software for AIX in the given list of purchase.


Thanks for your message, we suggest you may download "VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux" from this web page to try, you may copy this product to your AIX server, and run it on your AIX server to try, if you encounter any problem on the AIX server, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap,


You can also download "VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)" from this web page to try,



VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit is a PDF Toolkit which written in Java program language, it supports command line operation, after you install Java JRE to your AIX server, you could run Java PDF Toolkit without any problem, for example,

Some example command lines:

-- Collate scanned pages

java -jar jpdfkit.jar A=sample_even.pdf B=sample_odd.pdf shuffle A B output _collated1.pdf

-- or if odd.pdf is in reverse order

java -jar jpdfkit.jar A=sample_even.pdf B=sample_odd.pdf shuffle A Bend-1 output _collated2.pdf

-- Decrypt a PDF

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_secured.pdf input_pw 456 output _unsecured.pdf

-- Encrypt a PDF using 128-bit strength

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _encrypted.128.pdf owner_pw 123

-- Set both owner password and open password to a PDF file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _encrypted_both.pdf owner_pw 456 user_pw 123

-- Enable High Quality Printing when encrypt a PDF file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _encrypted_highprinting.pdf owner_pw 456 user_pw 123 allow printing

-- Merge PDF files into a new PDF

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_even.pdf sample_odd.pdf cat output _merge_out1.pdf
java -jar jpdfkit.jar A=sample_even.pdf B=sample_odd.pdf cat A B output _merge_out2.pdf

-- or using wildcards,

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_in*.pdf cat output _combined_all.pdf

-- Remove some page from an input PDF file. The example shows how to remove P13 from the input file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_testcmd.pdf cat 1-12 14-end output _remove_pages_1.pdf

-- or:

java -jar jpdfkit.jar A=sample_testcmd.pdf cat A1-12 A14-end output _remove_pages_2.pdf

-- Merge PDF files and add a password for the output file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_even.pdf sample_odd.pdf cat output _merge_out.pdf encrypt_40bit owner_pw 123

-- Merge PDF files and if one of them requires password, input it,

java -jar jpdfkit.jar A=sample_secured.pdf sample_verypdf.pdf input_pw A=123 cat output _merge_out.pdf

-- Unpack PDF page streams for editing PDF in a text editor

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _unpack_verypdf.pdf uncompress

-- Repair PDF's corrupted XREF table and stream lengths

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf output _verypdf_fixed.pdf

-- Split a multi-page PDF file into single-page PDF files

java -jar jpdfkit.jar testcmd.pdf burst
java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_testcmd.pdf burst output _pg_%%04d.pdf

-- Blast a multi-page PDF file into several encrypted single-page PDF files, denying low-quality printing

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_secured.pdf input_pw 123 burst owner_pw 123 allow degradedprinting

-- Extract meta info from input PDF file to the given output file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf dump_data output _report.txt

-- Rotate the first PDF page clockwise

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf cat 1east 2-end output _rotate_out1.pdf

-- Rotate an entire PDF document to 180 degrees

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf cat 1-endsouth output _rotate_out2.pdf

-- Add information from text file to output PDF file

java -jar jpdfkit.jar sample_verypdf.pdf update_info _report.txt output _newinfo.pdf

jpdfkit.jar is a command-line program, so you should use your computer terminal or command prompt when first testing these examples.

We hope "VeryPDF PDF Toolbox Shell for Linux" or "VeryUtils Java PDF Toolkit (jpdfkit)" will work fine to you, please feel free to let us know if you encounter any problem with them.


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