We are having an issue with the new emf to vector converter tool that was caught by our regression suite. See the attached zip which has the emf, old and new pdf output. You will notice that the lines and arcs are a lot smoother in the old output. We are using a very simple command line in our generation:
emf2vec.exe -$ "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "Exploded.EMF" "exploded-new.pdf"
This is the PDF file which created by old version of emf2vec.exe software,
This is the new PDF file which created by new version of emf2vec.exe software, as you see, the text and graphics have been converted into picture,
Please assist in resolving this.
Thanks for your message, you can add "-norasteremf" option to convert your EMF file to vector (without raster) PDF file.
E:\emf2vec\emf2vec.exe -norasteremf D:\exploded.emf D:\exploded.pdf
This is the screenshot of the PDF file which created by "-norasteremf" option argument, all text and graphics are keep as vector elements.