Hi Team,
We for our client who has purchased VERYPDF ENCRYPTION program and it is working correctly for Windows and andriod for PDF encryprion. But when it comes to iOS, we are not able see the option of password prompt. Can you please help in this regard? It very urgent and we have issue for all iOS users now and this has comprimised our security. Request you to please assist with details.
Thanks for your message, please notice following issues,
1. Please don't leave Open Password or Owner Password to blank, you need set both of them to valid passwords.
2. Please don't set same passwords to both Open and Owner Passwords.
Please use both "Open Password" and "Owner Password" to encrypt your PDF files again, when you view them on iPad, iPhone, iPod and Mac systems, you have to enter the password in order to view them.
If you are using EncryptPDF Command Line software, you may add "-w ownerpwd" option to solve this problem, for example,
D:\VeryPDF\encryptpdf.exe -i D:\test\001.pdf -w ownerpwd -u userpwd -e 128 -p