I want to use your VeryPDF PaperTools COM/SDK product to remove borders image files and deskew image files.
I created the PDF myself from the individual images - so I can go back to the originals and I won't need the PDF to Image conversion tools.
But I'm not a programmer who can use a SDK. Is there an end-user interface for PaperTools COM/SDK?
Thanks for your message, you can run PaperTools.dll from command line to process your image files easily, for example,
E:\papertoolssdk\bin\PaperTools.dll -help
Product Name: VeryPDF PaperTools Command Line
Product Web Page: https://www.verypdf.com/app/papertools/
Release Date: Apr 6 2015
Web: https://www.verypdf.com
Web: http://www.verydoc.com
Support: http://support.verypdf.com
Description: Batch process scanned image files from command line.
1. Black Lines Removal
2. Dynamic Thresholding
3. Deskew
4. Despeckle
5. Black Border Removal
6. Layout Analysis
7. OCR Scanned Image files to text files
Usage: PaperTools.dll [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]
-bitcount <int> : Set color depth when render PDF page to image data, it can be set 1, 8, 24, default is 8bit
-rotate <int> : Rotate image file
-threshold <int> : Lightness threshold that used to convert image to B&W, from 1 to 255, 0 is auto, default is -1
-dither <int> : Convert the color image to B&W using the desired method:
-dither 0: Floyd-Steinberg
-dither 1: Ordered-Dithering (4x4)
-dither 2: Burkes
-dither 3: Stucki
-dither 4: Jarvis-Judice-Ninke
-dither 5: Sierra
-dither 6: Stevenson-Arce
-dither 7: Bayer (4x4 ordered dithering)
-width <int> : Scale output to specific width (proportional unless height specified)
-height <int> : Scale output to specific height (proportional unless width specified)
-flip : Flip the image vertically
-mirror : Mirror the image horizontally
-deskew : Enable image deskew options
-skewrange <fp> : Range in which to search for rotation, from -degrees to +degrees rotation. (default: 5.0)
-deskew2 : Enable image deskew by second arithmetic
-despeckle : Enable image despeckle options
-despeckle2 : Enable image despeckle by second arithmetic
-specklesize <int> : Set speckle size for -despeckle2 option, default is 20 pixel
-layout : Layout Analysis for page automatically
-boxobjects : Recognize objects from scanned image file automatically
-removelongline <int> : Remove black lines which length larger than this value
-removeshortline <int> : Remove black lines which length less than this value
-trimmargin : Trim solid color margins from scanned image file automatically
-fuzz <fp> : Colors within this distance of percentage are considered equal, from 1.00 to 100.00, default is 80.00
-trimcolor <string> : Trim border by special color,
-trimcolor FF0000: Red color
-trimcolor 00FF00: Green color
-trimcolor 0000FF: Blue color
-trimcolor HexNum: Other colors
-removeborder : Remove black borders from scanned image file automatically
-ocr : OCR image file to text file automatically
-lang <string> : choose the language for OCR engine
-boxpic : Output image file with boxes
-skip : Skip existing output files, don't overwrite it
-v : Print copyright and version info
-h : Print usage information
-help : Print usage information
--help : Print usage information
-? : Print usage information
-$ <string> : Input registration key
PaperTools.dll -removeshortline 5 X:\test_despeckle.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removeshortline 3 -removelongline 0 X:\test_despeckle.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 100 X:\test_black_border1.jpg D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 200 X:\test_line.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 0 X:\test_line.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 100 X:\test_table_ocr.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 1000 X:\test_black_border1.jpg D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 0 X:\test_black_border1.jpg D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 0 X:\test_skew.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 0 X:\test_line.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 0 X:\test_table_ocr.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 30 D:\out014.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 0 D:\out009.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removelongline 0 -boxobjects X:\test_negative.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -deskew -skewrange 45 X:\test_negative.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -deskew2 X:\test_negative.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -despeckle X:\test_despeckle.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -despeckle2 -specklesize 20 X:\test_despeckle.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removeborder D:\out009.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removeborder -fuzz 50 X:\test_despeckle.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -removeborder -fuzz 80 X:\test_black_border1.jpg D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -trimmargin -fuzz 80 X:\test_black_border1.jpg D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -trimmargin X:\test_black_border2.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -trimmargin -trimcolor FFFFFF -fuzz 100 X:\test_table_ocr.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -ocr -boxpic X:\test_table_ocr.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -bitcount 1 X:\test_color.tif D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -layout D:\out009.png D:\out.png
You can run following command line to remove border and deskew your image files easily,
PaperTools.dll -removeborder D:\out009.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -deskew D:\out009.png D:\out.png
PaperTools.dll -deskew2 D:\out009.png D:\out.png