We are ready to purchase VeryPDF PDF Stitcher software, but we have one question, is there a way to merge all pages without having to know the actual total number of PDF pages?
We don't know the total pages, because we 200,000 pdf files to merge.
Thanks for your message, with pdfstitch software, you needn't know the total number of PDF pages, VeryPDF PDF Stitcher software will count the total number of PDF pages automatically.
We suggest you may download the trial version of VeryPDF PDF Stitcher software from this web page to try,
If you encounter any problem with this software, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.
btw, if you wish stitch more PDF files into one PDF file, you may use VeryPDF PDF Split-Merge software to merge these PDF files into one PDF file,
after that, you can use VeryPDF PDF Stitcher software to stitch all pages from this single PDF file into a new PDF file with NxN page layout.