Hi there
We are using PDF Stamper SDK Component in our app, and would like to upgrade to 64bit.
Do you have a 64bit version of this component available?
Best regards,
The latest version of PDF Stamper SDK has already supported the 64bit system, please by following steps to call PDF Stamper SDK from your 64bit application,
1. Please download the latest version of PDF Stamper SDK from following web page,
2. Please run "bin/install_for_x64.bat" to register PDFStampCom.exe first, you need run it with administrator privilege, you can also run a CMD window with administrator privilege first, and then run following command line to register it by manual,
PDFStampCom.exe /regserver
3. Please run "test-pdfstampcom-x64.vbs" to test the stamp functions, please refer to a VB Script sample code at below, the "PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp" COM interface can be supported by both 32bit and 64bit applications,
Const Very_Set_Range = 131
Const Very_Set_Opacity = 240
Const Very_Get_Opacity = 240
Const Very_Get_PdfPageCount = 206
Const Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp = 260
Const Very_Set_EmbedFont = 241
Const Very_Get_EmbedFont = 241
Const Very_Set_TransparentColor = 242
Const Very_Set_ImageLossless = 243
Const Very_Set_InsertMultipleImageCopy = 244
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)
strPDFFile = strFolder & "\example.pdf"
strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-test.pdf"
Set pdfstamp = CreateObject("PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp")
pdfstamp.veryRegEx "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
id = pdfstamp.veryOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile)
'id = pdfstamp.VeryStampLayerOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "PDFManWatermark_Overlayer", "PDFManWatermark_Underlayer")
If (id > 0) Then
Page = 1
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_InsertMultipleImageCopy, 1, 0, 0, 0)
pagecount = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PdfPageCount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
MsgBox "PDF file: " & strPDFFile & ", Page Count = " & CStr(pagecount)
For Page = 1 To pagecount
leftpos = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "left", 0)
top = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "top", 0)
pagewidth = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "width", 0)
pageheight = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "height", 0)
'We need to control which pages the stamp goes on
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_Range, Page, 1, 0, 0)
strStampBuf = "Page:" + CStr(pagecount - Page + 1) + ", Page Box: [" + CStr(leftpos) + " " + CStr(top) + " " + CStr(pagewidth) + " " + CStr(pageheight) + "]"
'Not embed TTF font for general text stamp
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_EmbedFont, 0, 0, 0, 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 2, strStampBuf, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 10, 1, "https://www.verypdf.com", 0)
'Embed special TTF font into PDF file, we can to use any TTF font
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_EmbedFont, 1, 0, 0, 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 1, "0123456789", RGB(0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Code-39-20", 8, 1, "https://www.verypdf.com/", 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_ImageLossless, 1, 0, 0, 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddImageEx(id, 9, strFolder & "\watermark.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 0, 0, 0)
pdfstamp.veryCloseEx (id)
End If
iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampDeleteStampFromPagesEx(strOutFile, strOutFile + "-StampRemoval.pdf", "1,5-6,8,13-15")
iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampDeleteImagesFromPagesEx(strOutFile, strOutFile + "-ImageRemoval.pdf", 1240, 1240, "1,5-6,8,13-15")
nIsStamped1 = pdfstamp.VeryStampIsStampedEx(strPDFFile)
nIsStamped2 = pdfstamp.VeryStampIsStampedEx(strOutFile)
strMessage = strPDFFile & ", Check Stamp Status: " & CStr(nIsStamped1) & vbCrLf
strMessage = strMessage & strOutFile & ", Check Stamp Status: " & CStr(nIsStamped2)
MsgBox strMessage
strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-newLayer-test.pdf"
id = pdfstamp.VeryStampLayerOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "Foreground Layer", "Background Layer")
If (id > 0) Then
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 2, "Test VeryStampLayerOpen() function", 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 10, 1, "https://www.verypdf.com", 0)
pdfstamp.veryCloseEx (id)
End If
strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-Encrypted-test.pdf"
iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampEncryptPDFEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "", "123", 1, 3900)
4. OK, you could no problem to call "PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp" from your 64bit application now.
Hi again
We are also looking for a PDF Split-Merge SDK component in 64 bit. Do you have this as well?
Best regards,
Thanks for your message, yes, we have 64bit version of PDF Split-Merge SDK Developer License, the cost is USD1200, you may buy it from our website directly,
You may also download the trial version of PDF Split-Merge SDK Developer License from this web page,
after you download and unzip it to a folder, please go to "bin" folder, run "install.vbs" to register "VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.exe" into your system, then you can use following C# source code to split and merge PDF files easily,
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
System.Type VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com");
VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM = (VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com)System.Activator.CreateInstance(VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType);
string szPDFFile = appPath + "\\_out1.pdf";
System.IO.File.Copy(appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf", szPDFFile, true);
int nRet = 0;
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
int nPageCount = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryGetPDFFilePageCount(szPDFFile);
MessageBox.Show(szPDFFile + " is contain " + nPageCount.ToString() + " pages.");
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
System.Type VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com");
VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM = (VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com)System.Activator.CreateInstance(VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType);
string szPDFFile = appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf";
VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VerySplitMergePDFEx(szPDFFile, "2-5", appPath + "\\_page2-5.pdf");
int nPageCount = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryGetPDFFilePageCount(appPath + "\\_page2-5.pdf");
MessageBox.Show(appPath + "\\_page2-5.pdf" + " is contain " + nPageCount.ToString()+ " pages.");
You may also refer to a sample from following web page,
>>Do you have any documentation for using "PDF Split-Merger Pdf PDF" for Classic ASP?
You may refer to all documents about PDF Split-Merge SDK from following web pages,
If you encounter any problem with this product, please feel free to let us know.