Hi there,
We are using this component in our app, and would like to upgrade to 64bit.
Do you have a 64bit version of this component available?
Best regards,
The latest version of PDF Stamper SDK has already supported the 64bit system, please by following steps to call PDF Stamper SDK from your 64bit application,
1. Please download the latest version of PDF Stamper SDK from following web page,
2. Please run "bin/install_for_x64.bat" to register PDFStampCom.exe first, you need run it with administrator privilege, you can also run a CMD window with administrator privilege first, and then run following command line to register it by manual
PDFStampCom.exe /regserver
3. Please run "test-pdfstampcom-x64.vbs" to test the stamp functions, please refer to a VB Script sample code at below, the "PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp" COM interface can be supported by both 32bit and 64bit applications,
Const Very_Set_Range = 131
Const Very_Set_Opacity = 240
Const Very_Get_Opacity = 240
Const Very_Get_PdfPageCount = 206
Const Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp = 260
Const Very_Set_EmbedFont = 241
Const Very_Get_EmbedFont = 241
Const Very_Set_TransparentColor = 242
Const Very_Set_ImageLossless = 243
Const Very_Set_InsertMultipleImageCopy = 244
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
strPDFFile = strFolder & "\example.pdf"
strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-test.pdf"
Set pdfstamp = CreateObject("PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp")
pdfstamp.veryRegEx "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
id = pdfstamp.veryOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile)
'id = pdfstamp.VeryStampLayerOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "PDFManWatermark_Overlayer", "PDFManWatermark_Underlayer")
If (id > 0) Then
Page = 1
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_InsertMultipleImageCopy, 1, 0, 0, 0)
pagecount = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PdfPageCount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
MsgBox "PDF file: " & strPDFFile & ", Page Count = " & CStr(pagecount)
For Page = 1 To pagecount
leftpos = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "left", 0)
top = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "top", 0)
pagewidth = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "width", 0)
pageheight = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "height", 0)
'We need to control which pages the stamp goes on
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_Range, Page, 1, 0, 0)
strStampBuf = "Page:" + CStr(pagecount - Page + 1) + ", Page Box: [" + CStr(leftpos) + " " + CStr(top) + " " + CStr(pagewidth) + " " + CStr(pageheight) + "]"
'Not embed TTF font for general text stamp
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_EmbedFont, 0, 0, 0, 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 2, strStampBuf, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 10, 1, "https://www.verypdf.com", 0)
'Embed special TTF font into PDF file, we can to use any TTF font
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_EmbedFont, 1, 0, 0, 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 1, "0123456789", RGB(0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Code-39-20", 8, 1, "https://www.verypdf.com/", 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_ImageLossless, 1, 0, 0, 0)
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddImageEx(id, 9, strFolder & "\watermark.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 0, 0, 0)
pdfstamp.veryCloseEx (id)
End If
iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampDeleteStampFromPagesEx(strOutFile, strOutFile + "-StampRemoval.pdf", "1,5-6,8,13-15")
iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampDeleteImagesFromPagesEx(strOutFile, strOutFile + "-ImageRemoval.pdf", 1240, 1240, "1,5-6,8,13-15")
nIsStamped1 = pdfstamp.VeryStampIsStampedEx(strPDFFile)
nIsStamped2 = pdfstamp.VeryStampIsStampedEx(strOutFile)
strMessage = strPDFFile & ", Check Stamp Status: " & CStr(nIsStamped1) & vbCrLf
strMessage = strMessage & strOutFile & ", Check Stamp Status: " & CStr(nIsStamped2)
MsgBox strMessage
strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-newLayer-test.pdf"
id = pdfstamp.VeryStampLayerOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "Foreground Layer", "Background Layer")
If (id > 0) Then
iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 2, "Test VeryStampLayerOpen() function", 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 10, 1, "https://www.verypdf.com", 0)
pdfstamp.veryCloseEx (id)
End If
strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-Encrypted-test.pdf"
iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampEncryptPDFEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "", "123", 1, 3900)
4. OK, you could no problem to call "PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp" from your 64bit application now.
VeryPDF PDF Stamper SDK Developer License is a powerful software solution that is specifically designed for Windows Developers. This innovative technology allows developers to add text, images, and other forms of content to PDF files programmatically, making it easier and faster to generate customized PDF documents.
One of the most significant advantages of using VeryPDF PDF Stamper SDK Developer License is that it is royalty-free, meaning that developers can use it without having to pay any additional fees or charges. This makes it an incredibly cost-effective solution for businesses and organizations that need to process large volumes of PDF documents regularly.
With its easy-to-use API, VeryPDF PDF Stamper SDK Developer License can be integrated seamlessly into any Windows-based application or website. Developers can use it to add watermarks, stamps, logos, and other types of custom content to their PDF files in just a few lines of code. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses that need to create branded PDF documents or add legal disclaimers to their files.
VeryPDF PDF Stamper SDK Developer License is also highly customizable, allowing developers to tailor the software to meet their specific needs. It supports a wide range of fonts, styles, and colors, and can be configured to add content to specific pages or sections of a document. Additionally, it can be used to extract and manipulate existing content in a PDF file, such as adding hyperlinks, bookmarks, and metadata.
Overall, VeryPDF PDF Stamper SDK Developer License is an excellent software solution for Windows Developers who need a fast, reliable, and customizable way to add content to PDF documents. Its royalty-free license makes it an incredibly cost-effective option for businesses and organizations of all sizes, and its easy-to-use API ensures that developers can integrate it seamlessly into their existing workflows. If you're looking for a powerful PDF stamper tool, be sure to check out VeryPDF PDF Stamper SDK Developer License from VeryPDF.