How to convert CHM to PDF and save hyperlink?
In the CHM file, it is common that there are many hyperlinks which point to homepage, instruction page and others. Some friends maybe can not...
Knowledge Base to VeryPDF Products
In the CHM file, it is common that there are many hyperlinks which point to homepage, instruction page and others. Some friends maybe can not...
In this article, I will show you how to convert CHM to PDF under both Mac OS and Windows system. The conversion should be...
CHM is widely used by the software publishers to show the usage of software as it is better in frame construction. By this file format,...
It is known to all that we can not open CHM file directly under Mac OS like we do in Window system. However, sometime it...
VeryPDF CHM to PDF Converter can run well under both Windows and Mac systems. A command line version is provided, and you can get this...