DocPrint Pro, PDFcamp Printer

Is BatchPDF.exe support cyrillic characters?

I try your product BatchPDF.exe but I have a problem with cyrillic characters.

Is cyrillic supported?
BatchPDF.exe doesn't support cyrillic characters very well, however, we suggest you may download docPrint Pro v5.0 from following web page to try, docPrint Pro v5.0 does support cyrillic characters,


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PDF Compressor

PDF Compressor Command Line application v2.0


I tried your tool "PDF Compressor Command Line application v2.0" and I would like to know the software pricing for one server license but I didn't find the information on your Web site.
Thanks for your message, we suggest you may download our PDF Compressor Command Line from following web page to try,

Please refer to price information for each type at following table,
Product Name Number of Licenses Price per License Download Purchase
PDF Compressor Command Line 1 Server License USD$399

PDF Compressor Command Line 1 Developer License USD$2499

PDF Compressor SDK Server License 1 Server License USD$799 Email to US
PDF Compressor SDK Developer License 1 Developer License USD$3499

Thank you!

Best regards,
In our organisation, we have the production and also many testing environments that we use before we migrate our application in production.
Should we buy a server license for each server that use PDFCompressor in each testing environment ?

NO, You needn't purchase a license for testing servers.
Server License: It can be run on one server/computer with any number of users, it is licensed by per production server/computer (you needn't pay for development/test and backup servers), you will need to purchase a server license for each production server/computer you wish to run Server License on. Server License can be run Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server etc. server systems. After you purchased a server license for a server, all users on this server will able to use this product without any restrictions.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

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PDF to Word Converter

PDF2Word 3.0


Issue: when running the command line conversion from PDF to Word, the orientation of the page (landscape or portrait) is nto preserved.

It seems the output is portrait no matter what the input is.

Is there a fix for it?
Here are the parameters we are using:

PDF2Word.exe -q -m -f 1 -l 1 -i <INPUT FILE HERE> -o <OUTPUT FILE HERE>

Thank you!

We have tried following command line just now,
"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PDF2Word v3.0\pdf2word.exe" -i D:\temp4\Landscape.pdf -o D:\temp4\Landscape.doc

It will create a DOC file like in attachment, we hoping this converted DOC file will reach your requirement.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

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PDF Print

VeryPDF PDFPrint Request Information

I am very happy with VeryPDF PCLtool/PCLconvertor, we already use this. The output of PCLtool, is placed to c:\verypdf\pcltooloutput\to_printer.

Now I got a question to print out PDF files to a Printer. That's why I tried PDFprint. It prints to the right printer, but I have some problems with my document names. I want to print c:\verypdf\pcltooloutput\ to_printer \*.* to a HP laserjet.

If I use this command:
pdfprint -printer "HP laserjet" c:\verypdf\pcltooloutput\ to_printer \MeelFaktuur.pdf he prints well, but when I use

pdfprint -printer "HP laserjet" c:\verypdf\pcltooloutput\ to_printer \*.* or pdfprint -printer "HP laserjet" c:\verypdf\pcltooloutput\ to_printer \*.PDF

he no PDF-files. I want to use this command in a batchfile and I do not know how many files are in that folder, and I also do not know exactly the filenames.

My question is: How to print all pdf files from 1 folder with PDFprint to a printer without mentioning the filenames exactly.


You can run following command line to print all PDF files D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do "C:\VeryPDF\pdfprint.exe" -printer "HP laserjet" "%F"

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

Best regards,

In the .bat file, please use "%%" to instead of "%" to try again.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

Best regards,

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DOC to Any Converter

use doc2any command line to create fax type TIFF files

Hi, I am currently testing your demo doc2any command line utility. I am looking to purchase it but am having some trouble with converting a file to a fax type. Can you tell me what the correct syntax would be?

I tried:

C:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any -multipagetif -bitcount 1 -compression 3 xxx.doc xxx.tif

C:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any -multipagetif -bitcount 1 -compression 3 -width 1728 -xres 300 -yres 300 xxx.doc xxx.tif

I need it to be Compression Mode: 3=Group 3 Fax


you can run following command line to convert your DOC file to Group 3 Fax TIFF file,

doc2any -multipagetif -bitcount 1 -compression 88882 xxx.doc xxx.tif

doc2any -multipagetif -bitcount 1 -compression 88883 xxx.doc xxx.tif

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

Best regards,

These are the file types we currently need to be converted to fax type tiff-

tif (other types of tiff that aren’t in fax type)
Thanks for your message, yes, we can develope a custom-build version of doc to any converter to you to convert all of these formats to Fax type TIFF files, please send an email to us to talk the details.

Thank you.

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