DOC to Any Converter, DocPrint Pro, PDFcamp Printer, Word to PDF Converter

Can I convert Word to PDF by Free Text To PDF Converter

I have a microsoft word file which I wanted to convert into pdf format by using the tool 'fee text to pdf' provided by you free of cost.

with rerds and thanks

text2pdf is can only convert plain text files to PDF files, if you wish convert Word DOC, HTML, PPT, XLS, RTF, etc. files to PDF files, please refer to following web page for more information,


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Autocad to PDF Converter

AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter Request Information

Hi I have a copy of this program on my new computer with windows 7. I am finding that the pdf drawing ( which is converted from dxf) comes out with some lines missing. Can you tell me if there are any issues with this program being on a computer with windows 7.
Regards Robert

Our product hasn't a specific problem on Windows 7, just for checking, can you convert this DXF file to PDF file correctly on Windows XP system?

Additionally, you can also download DWG to Vector Converter from following web page to try, DWG to Vector Converter does convert DXF file to PDF file too, we hoping this product will work better to you,

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

Best regards,

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PowerPoint to Flash

PowerPoint to Flash Converter hang on password protected PPT file

Hello Verydoc support.

We have an issue that we require assistance with.

Our customer is trying to use pptconv.exe called via a service using the command line to convert a PowerPoint presentation that is protected by a password.

We do not want pptconv.exe to convert the presentation through the service command line call. But we do not want it to hang as it currently does, we would like it to exit gracefully with a specific exit code.

We would like the pptconv.exe to simply exit, without processing when it encounters a PowerPoint presentation with password protection, with a specific code.

I have a server set up with an example of a presentation we are having issues with, and I have TeamViewer set up on this server for you to log in and take a look.

Please let me know when you are available to carry this out.
Can you please email to us your sample PowerPoint presentation which contain password for test purpose? After we checked your sample PPT file, we will figure out a solution to you asap.
please find attached a password protected powerpoint that displays this behaviour.

As mentioned we runa service that makes command line calls to pptconv.exe. Here is the specific command that we run against this powerpoint presentation that shows the behaviour. I have verified this by running it myself directly on teh command line.

We are running Windows 2003, PowerPoint 2007, and pptconv.exe v3.1.0.1.

Here is the command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v3.0\pptconv.exe" "C:\RMISlideConverter\work\20110602072530008-5656E4EC-37E5-3C16-4EFD-750761381914\Sample.ppt" "C:\RMISlideConverter\work\20110602072530008-5656E4EC-37E5-3C16-4EFD-750761381914\original\.png"

I look forward to hearing from you.

We have created a new version to you, please download the new version from following URL,


the new version does support following parameter,

-ppttimeout : Specify a timeout to avoid hanging PowerPoint conversion, in millisecond

you can use this parameter to set a timeout for PowerPoint conversion, for example,

E:\flash\PPT2Flash\bin\pptconv.exe -ppttimeout 10000 D:\temp4\Sample.ppt D:\temp4\Sample.png

“Timeout” is the only solution to suppress the PowerPoint password prompt dialog, there is no any solution for suppressing the password dialog or to know whether the ppt is
password protected. It is also not possible to skip password protected PPT file.

PowerPoint OLE and VBA code hasn’t an option to open the PPT file with a password, but word and excel have such an option. So we have to use “Timeout” solution to force to kill the PowerPoint application after time is out.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you for this.

Can you advise if there is a default value set for the timeout if it is not set by us when we call pptconv.exe.

I look forward to hearing from you.

New version of pptconv.exe hasn’t a default value set for -ppttimeout parameter, if you don’t provide a timeout value, it will always wait until you input the password or close password dialog by manual.

Hello Verydoc,

we have discussed this further internally, and the timeout functionality is not going to be able to resolve our customers issue, due to large range of number of slides that our customers have in their presentations.

A solution to our issue would be that if after a period of time, 30 seconds, pptconv.exe has not started reading the slides (possibly because of a password restriction), it should exit with an error code.

Within the pptconv.exe you should be able to see when the pptconv.exe starts reading the powerpoint slides, and set a timer around this first reading of the slides.

Can you carry out a change to enable the above functionality and let us know the timescale to carry out this work?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your suggestion is great, please download the new version of pptconv.exe from following URL,


the new version of pptconv.exe was modified as your suggestion.


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PDF Print

pdfprint.exe command line

This version doesn't print out values included in form fields. We have an older version from a different computer purchased by William Tang (I'm his developer), but that registration key doesn't work at all. Is there another way of registering the application. I had just moved the folder from the previous server to the new server. We migrated from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008.

Please let me know what I should do.
You can run following command line to print the forms in your PDF file,

pdfprint.exe -raster2 C:\print.pdf

we hoping -raster2 parameter will work better for you, please add it to try again.

We have an image in some of the pdfs. With raster2 it appears inverted.
What is white prints black and what is black appears white on paper.

I tried using preproc but it says ghost script is not installed. I
installed it, I even set the GHOSTSCRIPT_HOME variable and put
%GHOSTSCRIPT_HOME%/bin in the PATH variable and still nothing.

What should I do?
I figured it out. Verypdf doesn't work with 64bit ghostscript, it has to be 32bit.

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DOC to Any Converter

Help for asp page and Doc2any

I have upgraded to a new server running IIS7 and I am having trouble getting doc2any to run from an asp script.

I have tried it with and without 32 bit enabled. I have tried it with exeshell and WScript (commented out). The WScript only returns a 0 for status.

I am running other WScript shells on the site and they work fine. This is the only one that isn't working. Permission are in placing for writing the files.

Please help.


Set comEXEShell = Server.CreateObject("")
'Set comEXEShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
RootPath = Server.MapPath(".") & "\"
EXEFile = RootPath & "doc2any\doc2any.exe"
DOCFile = Path
TempPDFFile = "c:\doctraderuploads\temp" & FileName & ".pdf"
strCommandLine = EXEFile & " " & DOCFile & " " & TempPDFFile comEXEShell.RunCommandLine "username", "password", strCommandLine 'response.write strCommandLine & "
'Set objCommand = comEXEShell.Exec(strCommandLine) 'Do While objCommand.Status = 0
'dtCurrent = Now
'Do Until Abs(DateDiff("s", dtCurrent, Now)) >= 3
' Response.Write objCommand.Status & "-

'Set objCommand = Nothing
Set comEXEShell = Nothing

This problem seems caused by permission problem, please refer to following web page, you may give enough permissions to IIS7 to Word DCOM to try again,

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have question on this.

Thank you!

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