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         CHAPTER 8                                                             Interactive Features

KEY   TYPE            VALUE

Bl    dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.2; widget annotations only) (Uppercase B, lowercase L) An action to
                      be performed when the annotation loses the input focus. (The name Bl stands for

PO    dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.5) An action to be performed when the page containing the annota-
                      tion is opened (for example, when the user navigates to it from the next or previous
                      page or by means of a link annotation or outline item). The action is executed after the
                      O action in the page’s additional-actions dictionary (see Table 8.45) and the
                      OpenAction entry in the document catalog (see Table 3.25), if such actions are present.

PC    dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.5) An action to be performed when the page containing the annota-
                      tion is closed (for example, when the user navigates to the next or previous page, or fol-
                      lows a link annotation or outline item). The action is executed before the C action in
                      the page’s additional-actions dictionary (see Table 8.45), if present.

PV    dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.5) An action to be performed when the page containing the annota-
                      tion becomes visible in the viewer application’s user interface.

PI    dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.5) An action to be performed when the page containing the annota-
                      tion is no longer visible in the viewer application’s user interface.

                   TABLE 8.45 Entries in a page object’s additional-actions dictionary
KEY   TYPE            VALUE

O     dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.2) An action to be performed when the page is opened (for example,
                      when the user navigates to it from the next or previous page or by means of a link an-
                      notation or outline item). This action is independent of any that may be defined by the
                      OpenAction entry in the document catalog (see Section 3.6.1, “Document Catalog”)
                      and is executed after such an action. (See implementation note 100 in Appendix H.)

C     dictionary      (Optional; PDF 1.2) An action to be performed when the page is closed (for example,
                      when the user navigates to the next or previous page or follows a link annotation or an
                      outline item). This action applies to the page being closed and is executed before any
                      other page is opened. (See implementation note 100 in Appendix H.)

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