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         SECTION 8.5                                                                         Actions

                     TABLE 8.46 Entries in a form field’s additional-actions dictionary
KEY   TYPE              VALUE

K     dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.3) A JavaScript action to be performed when the user types a key-
                        stroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box.
                        This action can check the keystroke for validity and reject or modify it.

F     dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.3) A JavaScript action to be performed before the field is formatted to
                        display its current value. This action can modify the field’s value before formatting.

V     dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.3) A JavaScript action to be performed when the field’s value is
                        changed. This action can check the new value for validity. (The name V stands for “val-

C     dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.3) A JavaScript action to be performed to recalculate the value of this
                        field when that of another field changes. (The name C stands for “calculate.”) The order
                        in which the document’s fields are recalculated is defined by the CO entry in the inter-
                        active form dictionary (see Section 8.6.1, “Interactive Form Dictionary”).

                TABLE 8.47 Entries in the document catalog’s additional-actions dictionary
KEY   TYPE              VALUE

WC    dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.4) A JavaScript action to be performed before closing a document.
                        (The name WC stands for “will close.”)

WS    dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.4) A JavaScript action to be performed before saving a document.
                        (The name WS stands for “will save.”)

DS    dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.4) A JavaScript action to be performed after saving a document. (The
                        name DS stands for “did save.”)

WP    dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.4) A JavaScript action to be performed before printing a document.
                        (The name WP stands for “will print.”)

DP    dictionary        (Optional; PDF 1.4) A JavaScript action to be performed after printing a document.
                        (The name DP stands for “did print.”)

         For purposes of the trigger events E (enter), X (exit), D (down), and U (up), the
         term mouse denotes a generic pointing device with the following characteristics:

         • A selection button that can be pressed, held down, and released. If there is more
             than one mouse button, the selection button is typically the left button.

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