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           CHAPTER 8                                                             Interactive Features

KEY               TYPE          VALUE

URL               ASCII         (Optional) A URL, the use for which is defined by the URLType entry.

URLType           Name          (Optional; PDF 1.7) A name indicating the usage of the URL entry. There are
                                standard uses and there can be implementation-specific uses for this URL. The
                                following value specifies a valid standard usage:
                                   Browser – The URL references content that should be displayed in a web
                                        browser to allow enrolling for a new credential if a matching credential
                                        is not found. The Ff attribute’s URL bit is ignored for this usage.
                                The following value specifies a valid implementation-specific usage, defined
                                for use by Adobe Systems:
                                   ASSP – The URL references a signature web service that can be used for
                                       server-based signing. If the Ff attribute’s URL bit indicates that this is a
                                        required constraint, this implies that the credential used when signing
                                        must come from this server.
                                Third parties can extend the use of this attribute with their own attribute val-
                                ues, which must conform to the guidelines described in Appendix E.
                                The default value is Browser.

Ff                integer       (Optional) A set of bit flags specifying the interpretation of specific entries in
                                this dictionary. A value of 1 for the flag means that a signer is required to use
                                only the specified values for the entry. A value of 0 means that other values are
                                permissible. Bit positions are 1 (Subject); 2 (Issuer); 3 (OID); 4 (SubjectDN);
                                5 (Reserved); 6 (KeyUsage); 7 (URL).
                                Default value: 0.

     8.6.4 Form Actions

           Interactive forms support four special types of actions in addition to those de-
           scribed in Section 8.5.3, “Action Types”:

           • Submit-form actions transmit the names and values of selected interactive form
             fields to a specified uniform resource locator (URL), presumably the address of
             a Web server that will process them and send back a response.
           • Reset-form actions reset selected interactive form fields to their default values.
           • Import-data actions import Forms Data Format (FDF) data into the document’s
             interactive form from a specified file.

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