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         SECTION 8.6                                                             Interactive Forms

         • JavaScript actions (PDF 1.3) cause a script to be compiled and executed by the
           JavaScript interpreter.

         Submit-Form Actions

         A submit-form action transmits the names and values of selected interactive form
         fields to a specified uniform resource locator (URL), presumably the address of a
         Web server that will process them and send back a response. Table 8.85 shows the
         action dictionary entries specific to this type of action.

         The value of the action dictionary’s Flags entry is an unsigned 32-bit integer con-
         taining flags specifying various characteristics of the action. Bit positions within
         the flag word are numbered from 1 (low-order) to 32 (high-order). Table 8.86
         shows the meanings of the flags; all undefined flag bits are reserved and must be
         set to 0.

                      TABLE 8.85 Additional entries specific to a submit-form action
KEY           TYPE                       VALUE

S             name                       (Required) The type of action that this dictionary describes; must be
                                         SubmitForm for a submit-form action.

F             file specification         (Required) A URL file specification (see Section 3.10.4, “URL Spec-
                                         ifications”) giving the uniform resource locator (URL) of the script
                                         at the Web server that will process the submission.

Fields        array                      (Optional) An array identifying which fields to include in the sub-
                                         mission or which to exclude, depending on the setting of the
                                         Include/Exclude flag in the Flags entry (see Table 8.86). Each ele-
                                         ment of the array is either an indirect reference to a field dictionary
                                         or (PDF 1.3) a text string representing the fully qualified name of a
                                         field. Elements of both kinds may be mixed in the same array.
                                         If this entry is omitted, the Include/Exclude flag is ignored, and all
                                         fields in the document’s interactive form are submitted except those
                                         whose NoExport flag (see Table 8.70 on page 676) is set. (Fields
                                         with no values may also be excluded, depending on the setting of
                                         the IncludeNoValueFields flag; see Table 8.86.) See the text follow-
                                         ing Table 8.86 for further discussion.

Flags         integer                    (Optional; inheritable) A set of flags specifying various characteris-
                                         tics of the action (see Table 8.86). Default value: 0.

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