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  SECTION 9.5                                                                   3D Artwork

FIGURE 9.10 Rendering of the 3D artwork using View1 (cross section perpendicular to the x axis)

  Figure 9.10 shows the cross section specified for the 3DView that references
  CrossSection1. The illustration shows the edges of the cutting plane ending at the
  edges of the annotation’s rectangle. This cross section specifies a plane with the
  following characteristics:
  • Includes the world art origin: /C [0 0 0]
  • Perpendicular to the X axis and parallel to the Y and Z axes: /O [ null 0 0]
  • Opacity of the cutting plane is 35%: /PO 0.35
  • Color of the cutting plane is light blue: /PC [/DeviceRGB 0.75 0.86 1]
  • Intersection of the cutting plane with the object is visible: /IV true
  • Color of the intersection of the cutting plane and the object is green:
     /IC [/DeviceRGB 0 1 0]

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