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          CHAPTER 10                                                          Document Interchange

          mand can subsequently be repeated to update the captured content. Table 10.43
          shows the contents of this type of dictionary.

                          TABLE 10.43 Entries in a Web Capture command dictionary
KEY      TYPE                  VALUE

URL      ASCII string          (Required) The initial URL from which source data was requested.

L        integer               (Optional) The number of levels of pages retrieved from the initial URL. Default
                               value: 1.

F        integer               (Optional) A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the command (see
                               Table 10.44). Default value: 0.

P        string or stream      (Optional) Data that was posted to the URL.

CT       ASCII string          (Optional) A content type describing the data posted to the URL. Default value:
                               application / x−www−form−urlencoded.

H        string                (Optional) Additional HTTP request headers sent to the URL.

S        dictionary            (Optional) A command settings dictionary containing settings used in the con-
                               version process (see “Command Settings” on page 960).

          The URL entry specifies the initial URL for the retrieval command. The L (levels)
          entry specifies the number of levels of pages requested to be retrieved from this
          URL. If the L entry is omitted, its value is assumed to be 1, denoting retrieval of
          the initial URL only.

          The value of the command dictionary’s F entry is an unsigned 32-bit integer con-
          taining flags specifying various characteristics of the command. Bit positions
          within the flag word are numbered from 1 (low-order) to 32 (high-order).
          Table 10.44 shows the meanings of the flags; all undefined flag bits are reserved
          and must be set to 0.

                                 TABLE 10.44 Web Capture command flags

1                  SameSite       If set, pages were retrieved only from the host specified in the initial URL.

2                  SamePath       If set, pages were retrieved only from the path specified in the initial URL
                                  (see below).

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