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          SECTION 10.9                                                                                     Web Capture

BIT POSITION       NAME                  MEANING

3                  Submit                If set, the command represents a form submission (see below).

          The SamePath flag, if set, indicates that pages were retrieved only if they were in
          the same path specified in the initial URL. A page is considered to be in the same
          path if its scheme and network location components (as defined in Internet RFC
          1808, Relative Uniform Resource Locators) match those of the initial URL and its
          path component matches up to and including the last forward slash ( / ) character
          in the initial URL. For example, the URL

               http : / / www . adobe . com / fiddle / faddle / foo . html

          is considered to be in the same path as the initial URL

               http : / / www . adobe . com / fiddle / initial . html

          The comparison is case-insensitive for the scheme and network location compo-
          nents and case-sensitive for the path component.

          If the Submit flag is set, the command represents a form submission. If no P
          (posted data) entry is present, the submitted data is encoded in the URL (an
          HTTP GET request). If P is present, the command represents an HTTP POST
          request. In this case, the value of the Submit flag is ignored. If the posted data is
          small enough, it may be represented by a string. For large amounts of data, a
          stream is recommended because it can be compressed.

          The CT (content type) entry is relevant only for POST requests. It describes the
          content type of the posted data, as described in Internet RFC 2045, Multipurpose
          Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies
          (see the Bibliography).

          The H (headers) entry specifies additional HTTP request headers that were sent
          in the request for the URL. Each header line in the string is terminated with a car-
          riage return and a line feed, as in this example:

               ( Referer : http : / / frumble . com \ 015 \ 012From : veeble @ frotz . com \ 015 \ 012 )

          The HTTP request header format is specified in Internet RFC 2616, Hypertext
          Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.1 (see the Bibliography).

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