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         CHAPTER 10                                                           Document Interchange

         The S (settings) entry specifies a command settings dictionary (see the next sec-
         tion). Holding settings specific to the conversion engines. If this entry is omitted,
         default values are assumed. It is recommended that command settings dictionar-
         ies be shared by any command dictionaries that use the same settings.

         Command Settings

         The S (settings) entry in a command dictionary contains a command settings
         dictionary, which holds settings for conversion engines used in converting the
         results of the command to PDF. Table 10.45 shows the contents of this type of dic-

                    TABLE 10.45 Entries in a Web Capture command settings dictionary
KEY   TYPE             VALUE

G     dictionary       (Optional) A dictionary containing global conversion engine settings relevant to all con-
                       version engines. If this entry is absent, default settings are used.

C     dictionary       (Optional) Settings for specific conversion engines. Each key in this dictionary is the
                       internal name of a conversion engine (see below). The associated value is a dictionary
                       containing the settings associated with that conversion engine. If the settings for a par-
                       ticular conversion engine are not found in the dictionary, default settings are used.

         Each key in the C dictionary is the internal name of a conversion engine, which
         should be a name object of the following form:
             / company : product : version : contentType

             company is the name (or abbreviation) of the company that created the conver-
             sion engine.
             product is the name of the conversion engine. This field may be left blank, but
             the trailing colon character ( : ) is still required.
             version is the version of the conversion engine.
             contentType is an identifier for the content type that the settings are associated
             with. This is required because some converters may handle multiple content

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