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           CHAPTER 10                                                       Document Interchange

           Tables 10.55 and 10.56 describe the contents of the OPI dictionaries for OPI 1.3
           and OPI 2.0, respectively, along with the corresponding PostScript OPI com-
           ments. The dictionary entries are listed in the order in which the corresponding
           OPI comments should appear in a PostScript program. Complete details on the
           meanings of these entries and their effects on OPI servers can be found in OPI:
           Open Prepress Interface Specification 1.3 (available from Adobe) and Adobe Tech-
           nical Note #5660, Open Prepress Interface (OPI) Specification, Version 2.0.

                             TABLE 10.55 Entries in a version 1.3 OPI dictionary
KEY            TYPE           OPI COMMENT                    VALUE

Type           name                                          (Optional) The type of PDF object that this dic-
                                                             tionary describes; if present, must be OPI for an
                                                             OPI dictionary.

Version        number                                        (Required) The version of OPI to which this dic-
                                                             tionary refers; must be the number 1.3 (not the
                                                             name 1.3, as in an OPI version dictionary).

F              file speci-    %ALDImageFilename              (Required) The external file containing the im-
               fication                                      age corresponding to this proxy. (See implemen-
                                                             tation note 175 in Appendix H.)

ID             byte string    %ALDImageID                    (Optional) An identifying string denoting the

Comments       text string    %ALDObjectComments             (Optional) A human-readable comment, typical-
                                                             ly containing instructions or suggestions to the
                                                             operator of the OPI server on how to handle the

Size           array          %ALDImageDimensions            (Required) An array of two integers of the form
                                                                [ pixelsWide pixelsHigh ]
                                                             specifying the dimensions of the image in pixels.

CropRect       rectangle      %ALDImageCropRect              (Required) An array of four integers of the form
                                                                [ left top right bottom ]
                                                             specifying the portion of the image to be used.

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