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             SECTION 10.10                                                          Prepress Support

KEY             TYPE         OPI COMMENT                 VALUE

CropFixed       array        %ALDImageCropFixed          (Optional) An array with the same form and
                                                         meaning as CropRect, but expressed in real
                                                         numbers instead of integers. Default value: the
                                                         value of CropRect.

Position        array        %ALDImagePosition           (Required) An array of eight numbers of the
                                                            [ llx lly ulx uly urx ury lrx lry ]

                                                         specifying the location on the page of the
                                                         cropped image, where (llx , lly ) are the user space
                                                         coordinates of the lower-left corner, (ulx , uly ) are
                                                         those of the upper-left corner, (urx , ury ) are
                                                         those of the upper-right corner, and (lrx , lry ) are
                                                         those of the lower-right corner. The specified
                                                         coordinates must define a parallelogram; that is,
                                                         they must satisfy the conditions
                                                            ulx − llx = urx − lrx

                                                            uly − lly = ury − lry

                                                         The combination of Position and CropRect de-
                                                         termines the image’s scaling, rotation, reflection,
                                                         and skew.

Resolution      array        %ALDImageResolution         (Optional) An array of two numbers of the form
                                                            [ horizRes vertRes ]
                                                         specifying the resolution of the image in samples
                                                         per inch.

ColorType       name         %ALDImageColorType          (Optional) The type of color specified by the
                                                         Color entry. Valid values are Process, Spot, and
                                                         Separation. Default value: Spot.

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