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            CHAPTER 10                                             Document Interchange

KEY            TYPE      OPI COMMENT                VALUE

Color          array     %ALDImageColor             (Optional) An array of four numbers and a byte
                                                    string of the form
                                                       [ C M Y K colorName ]
                                                    specifying the value and name of the color in
                                                    which the image is to be rendered. The values of
                                                    C, M, Y, and K must all be in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
                                                    Default value: [ 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ( Black )].

Tint           number    %ALDImageTint              (Optional) A number in the range 0.0 to 1.0
                                                    specifying the concentration of the color speci-
                                                    fied by Color in which the image is to be ren-
                                                    dered. Default value: 1.0.

Overprint      boolean   %ALDImageOverprint         (Optional) A flag specifying whether the image
                                                    is to overprint (true) or knock out (false) under-
                                                    lying marks on other separations. Default value:

ImageType      array     %ALDImageType              (Optional) An array of two integers of the form
                                                       [ samples bits ]
                                                    specifying the number of samples per pixel and
                                                    bits per sample in the image.

GrayMap        array     %ALDImageGrayMap           (Optional) An array of 2n integers in the range 0
                                                    to 65,535 (where n is the number of bits per
                                                    sample) recording changes made to the bright-
                                                    ness or contrast of the image.

Transparency   boolean   %ALDImageTransparency      (Optional) A flag specifying whether white pix-
                                                    els in the image are to be treated as transparent.
                                                    Default value: true.

Tags           array     %ALDImageAsciiTag< NNN >   (Optional) An array of pairs of the form
                                                       [ tagNum1 tagText1 … tagNumn tagTextn ]

                                                    where each tagNum is an integer representing a
                                                    TIFF tag number and each tagText is an ASCII
                                                    string representing the corresponding ASCII tag

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