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           APPENDIX A                                                        Operator Summary

OPERATOR      EQUIVALENT       DESCRIPTION                                                TABLE   PAGE

CS            setcolorspace    (PDF 1.1) Set color space for stroking operations          4.24    287

cs            setcolorspace    (PDF 1.1) Set color space for nonstroking operations       4.24    287

d             setdash          Set line dash pattern                                      4.7     219

d0            setcharwidth     Set glyph width in Type 3 font                             5.10    423

d1            setcachedevice   Set glyph width and bounding box in Type 3 font            5.10    423

Do                             Invoke named XObject                                       4.37    332

DP                             (PDF 1.2) Define marked-content point with property list   10.7    851

EI                             End inline image object                                    4.42    352

EMC                            (PDF 1.2) End marked-content sequence                      10.7    851

ET                             End text object                                            5.4     405

EX                             (PDF 1.1) End compatibility section                        3.29    152

f             fill             Fill path using nonzero winding number rule                4.10    230

F             fill             Fill path using nonzero winding number rule (obsolete)     4.10    230

f*            eofill           Fill path using even-odd rule                              4.10    230

G             setgray          Set gray level for stroking operations                     4.24    288

g             setgray          Set gray level for nonstroking operations                  4.24    288

gs                             (PDF 1.2) Set parameters from graphics state parameter     4.7     219

h             closepath        Close subpath                                              4.9     227

i             setflat          Set flatness tolerance                                     4.7     219

ID                             Begin inline image data                                    4.42    352

j             setlinejoin      Set line join style                                        4.7     219

J             setlinecap       Set line cap style                                         4.7     219

K             setcmykcolor     Set CMYK color for stroking operations                     4.24    288

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