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APPENDIX H                                   Compatibility and Implementation Notes

 99. In PDF 1.2, additional-actions dictionaries were inheritable; beginning
     with PDF 1.3, they are not inheritable.
100. In Acrobat 3.0, the O and C events in a page object’s additional-actions
     dictionary are ignored if the document is not being displayed in a page-
     oriented layout mode. Beginning with Acrobat 4.0, the actions associated
     with these events are executed if the document is in a page-oriented or
     single-column layout and are ignored if the document is in a multiple-col-
     umn layout.

8.5.3, “Action Types” (Launch Actions)
101. The Acrobat viewer for the Windows platform uses the Windows function
     ShellExecute to launch an application. The Win dictionary entries corre-
     spond to the parameters of ShellExecute.

8.5.3, “Action Types” (URI Actions)
102. URI actions are resolved by the Acrobat WebLink plug-in extension.
103. If the appropriate plug-in extension (WebLink) is not present, Acrobat
     viewers report the following error when a link annotation that uses a URI
     action is activated: “The plug-in required by this URI action is not avail-

8.5.3, “Action Types” (Sound Actions)
104. In PDF 1.2, the value of the Sound entry was allowed to be a file specifica-
     tion. Beginning with PDF 1.3, this is not supported, but the same effect
     can be achieved by using an external stream.
105. Acrobat viewers mute the sound if the value of Volume is negative; other-
     wise, this entry is ignored.
106. Acrobat 6.0 does not support the Synchronous entry.
107. Acrobat 5.0 and earlier viewers do not support the Mix entry.

8.5.3, “Action Types” (Movie Actions)
108. Acrobat viewers earlier than version 3.0 report an error when they en-
     counter an action of type Movie.

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