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S E C T I O N H .3                                          Implementation Notes

8.5.3, “Action Types” (Hide Actions)
109. Acrobat viewers earlier than version 3.0 report the following error when
     encountering an action of type Hide: “The plug-in needed for this Hide ac-
     tion is not available.”
110. In Acrobat viewers, the change in an annotation’s Hidden flag as a result of
     a hide action is temporary in that the user can subsequently close the doc-
     ument without being prompted to save changes and the effect of the hide
     action is lost. However, if the user explicitly saves the document before
     closing, such changes are saved and thus become permanent.

8.5.3, “Action Types” (Named Actions)
111. Acrobat viewers earlier than version 3.0 report the following error when
     encountering an action of type Named: “The plug-in needed for this
     Named action is not available.”
112. Acrobat viewers extend the list of named actions in Table 8.61 to include
     most of the menu item names available in the viewer.

8.6.1, “Interactive Form Dictionary”
113. Acrobat viewers may insert additional entries in the DR resource dictio-
     nary, such as Encoding, as a convenience for keeping track of objects being
     used to construct form fields. Such objects are not actually resources and
     are not referenced from the appearance stream.
114. In Acrobat, markup annotations can also make use of the resources in the
     DR dictionary.
115. Acrobat 6.0 recognizes only the stream value of the XFA entry; Acrobat
     6.02 and later recognize both stream and array values.

8.6.2, “Field Dictionaries” (Field Names)
116. Beginning in Acrobat 3.0, partial field names cannot contain a period.
117. Acrobat 6.0 and later support Unicode encoding of field names. Versions
     earlier than Acrobat 6.0 do not support Unicode encoding of field names.

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