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       trap network 976                                            DefaultCMYK 258, 260, 288, 479, 557
       Web Capture content set 955-956                             DefaultGray 258, 288, 479, 557
   in submit-form actions 705                                      DefaultRGB 258, 288, 479, 557
Day 3D lighting styles 818                                     Default entry (type 5 halftone dictionary) 505
DCS (Desktop Color Separation) images 186-187                  Default graphics state parameter value
DCT (discrete cosine transform) compression 67, 84-86              black-generation function 221
DCT filter abbreviation 354, 1100                                  halftone parameter 222
                                                                   transfer function 222
DCTDecode filter 67, 84-86, 1101
                                                                   undercolor-removal function 221
   color key masking, not recommended with 351
   DCT abbreviation 354, 1100                                  default user space 201
   parameters. See DCTDecode filter parameter dictio-              for annotations 606-607, 610, 623, 626, 634
       naries                                                      BLSEs, layout of 922-924, 926-927
   in sampled images 340                                           current transformation matrix (CTM) 210
                                                                   in destinations 582
DCTDecode filter parameter dictionaries 84-85
                                                                   glyph space, mapping from 927
   ColorTransform entry 85
                                                                   glyphs, scaling of 390
Decimal list numbering style 933                                   halftone angles 497
Decode arrays                                                      for page boundaries 145-146, 963
   color inversion with 346                                        page size limits 993, 1128
   image masks 340, 350                                            pattern matrix 291
   sampled images 336, 341, 344-346, 351                           unit size 148, 201, 390, 993, 1128
   shadings 315, 318, 320, 324                                     for Web Capture pages 961
Decode entry                                                   DefaultCMYK default color space 258, 260, 288, 479, 557
   image dictionary 89, 336, 341, 350, 554-555, 588            DefaultForPrinting entry (alternate image dictionary) 347
   inline image object 353
                                                               DefaultGray default color space 258, 288, 479, 557
   type 0 function dictionary 170, 172-173
   type 4 shading dictionary 315, 318                          DefaultRGB default color space 258, 288, 479, 557
   type 5 shading dictionary 320                               DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification (Internet
   type 6 shading dictionary 324                                       RFC 1951) 71, 1156
decode parameters dictionary 90                                Delete annotation usage rights 735
DecodeParms entry                                              Delete embedded files usage rights 736
   inline image object 353                                     delimiter characters 49-51, 57
   stream dictionary 62, 66, 107, 132                          Department of Commerce, U.S. 1103
       DP abbreviation 1100                                    Departmental annotation icon 636
decoding filters 65-86, 120, 1033, 1100-1101                   Desc entry (file specification dictionary) 184-185, 637,
   See also                                                            1115
       ASCII85Decode filter                                    Desc PrintField attribute 934
       ASCIIHexDecode filter
       CCITTFaxDecode filter                                   descendant fonts (Type 0 font) 433, 453
       Crypt filter                                            DescendantFonts entry
       DCTDecode filter                                            CID-keyed font dictionary 435
       FlateDecode filter                                          Type 0 font dictionary 435, 453-454
       JBIG2Decode filter                                      Descent entry (font descriptor) 457, 927
       JPXDecode filter                                        Design intent (optional content) 365, 368, 376, 380
       LZWDecode filter                                        Dest entry
       RunLengthDecode filter                                      link annotation dictionary 622, 654
decoding functions 244, 246-247, 249, 251                          outline item dictionary 586, 654
Decorative font classification (Tagged PDF) 894                destination handlers 1019
default appearance strings                                     destination profile (PDF/X output intent dictionary) 972,
   FDF field 719                                                       1127
   form field 678-680                                          destinations 140, 581-584, 647
   free text annotation 624                                        explicit 582-583, 655
default color spaces 241, 257-258, 563, 972                        for go-to actions 581-582, 654

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