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   handlers 1019                                                  device space 199-200
   for link annotations 581-582, 584, 622, 1114                      current transformation matrix (CTM) 193, 204, 210
   magnification (zoom) factor 581-583                               form space, mapping from 357
   named. See named destinations                                     halftone cells, orientation relative to 487-488, 497-498,
   for outline items 581-582, 584-586, 1113                              500, 503
   plug-in extensions for 1019                                       halftones defined in 487
   for remote go-to actions 581-582, 655                             resolution 487
DestOutputProfile entry (PDF/X output intent                         scan conversion in 510-511
       dictionary) 971-972                                           stroke adjustment in 511-512
Dests entry                                                          text space, relationship with 409
   document catalog 139, 584, 1038, 1053                             threshold arrays defined in 494, 499, 503-504
   name dictionary 150, 584                                          type 6 shadings (Coons patch meshes) 322-323
                                                                     URI actions, mouse position for 662
DevDepGS_BG entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743
                                                                  DeviceCMY process color model 978
DevDepGS_FL entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743
                                                                  DeviceCMYK color space 237, 241, 243, 268, 345
DevDepGS_HT entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743                 as alternate color space 253
DevDepGS_OP entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743                 as blending color space 519
DevDepGS_TR entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743                 CMYK abbreviation 353
DevDepGS_UCR entry (legal attestation dictionary) 743                color values 243
device color spaces 237, 241-243                                     and DeviceGray, conversion between 481, 486
   as alternate color space 267, 270                                 and DeviceN color spaces, compared 270
   as base color space 263                                           DeviceRGB, conversion from 481-483, 575
   blending in 519, 562                                              DeviceRGB, conversion to 484
   CIE-based spaces, conversion from 307, 477-479                    in dynamic appearance streams 642
   and color specification 235                                       halftones for 506
   conversion among 307, 477, 480-484                                implicit conversion from CIE-based 259
   and DeviceN spaces 268                                            initial color value 243, 287
   flattening of transparent content to 576                          in inline image objects 354
   implicit conversion of CIE-based colors to 259-260                as native color space 478, 480
   in inline images 354                                              overprint mode 212
                                                                     and overprinting 285-286, 570-571
   and overprinting 284
                                                                     for page group 543
   for page group 543, 561
                                                                     process colors, specification of 563
   process colors, rendered as 480
                                                                     remapping to alternate color space 257-258
   and rendering intents 211
                                                                     in sampled images 334
   and separations 265
                                                                     and Separation color spaces, compared 266
   setting color values in 287
                                                                     setting 240, 287
   for shadings 305, 307
                                                                     setting color values in 287-288
   for soft masks 547
                                                                     for soft masks 547
   in transparency groups 241, 557, 563
                                                                     specification 243
   See also
                                                                     spot color components, effect on in transparency
       DeviceCMYK color space                                            groups 564
       DeviceGray color space                                        substituted for CalCMYK 244
       DeviceRGB color space                                         tint transformation function 175
device colorants 241                                                 transfer functions 486
   and overprinting 284-285, 572                                     in transparency groups 563
   for preseparated pages 969                                        and transparent overprinting 565, 568-569, 571
   and transparent overprinting 565                               DeviceCMYK process color model 978
device-dependent graphics state parameters 210, 212-213,          DeviceColorant entry (separation dictionary) 969
       294, 478
                                                                  DeviceGray color space 237, 241-242, 345
device gamut 260-261, 479                                            as alternate color space 253
device-independent graphics state parameters 210-212,                and DeviceRGB, conversion between 481
       215                                                           as blending color space 519
device profiles 479                                                  color values 242

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