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     and primary hint stream, ordering of 1032, 1034,                     FL entry (graphics state parameter dictionary) 222,
         1051-1052                                                            508
first-page trailer (Linearized PDF) 1026, 1030-1031                       i operator 219, 508, 986
fit attribute (SMIL) 770                                                  and smoothness tolerance, compared 510
FitWindow entry (viewer preferences dictionary) 578                   floating elements 898, 918, 923
                                                                          bounding box 896
fixed-pitch fonts 393, 458
                                                                      floating window parameters dictionaries 774-775
fixed print dictionaries 644-645
                                                                          D entry 774
     H entry 645
                                                                          O entry 773-774
     Matrix entry 645                                                     P entry 773-774
     Type entry 645                                                       R entry 773, 775
     V entry 645                                                          RT entry 774
FixedPitch font flag 458, 893-894                                         T entry 774
FixedPrint entry (watermark annotation dictionary) 644-                   TT entry 775
         645                                                              Type entry 774
FixedPrint object type 645                                                UC entry 775
FL entry (graphics state parameter dictionary) 222, 508,              floating windows
         743                                                              movies 664, 786
Fl filter abbreviation 354, 1100                                          multimedia 773-775, 1124
flags                                                                 floor operator (PostScript) 176, 989
     See                                                              Fly transition style 599-600
         access flags                                                 Fo entry (additional-actions dictionary) 649
         annotation flags                                             Fo trigger event (annotation) 649
         button field flags                                           focus, input
         choice field flags                                               See input focus
         edge flags                                                   fold marks 965
         field flags
                                                                      folios 886
         font flags
         outline item flags                                           FOND resource (Mac OS) 418
         reset-form field flag                                        font characteristics 884, 892-893
         signature flags                                                  Italic 893
         submit-form field flags                                          Proportional 893
         text field flags                                                 Serifed 893
         Web Capture command flags                                        Smallcap 893
Flags entry                                                           font CSS2 style attribute (rich text strings) 682
     font descriptor 456, 458-460, 893-894                            font descriptors 40, 412, 455-465, 1060, 1111
     reset-form action dictionary 707-708                                 Ascent entry 457, 927
     submit-form action dictionary 703, 706                               AvgWidth entry 457
Flate (zlib/deflate) compression 39, 67, 71-77                            CapHeight entry 457
     predictor functions 71, 74-77, 340                                   CharSet entry 458, 469
                                                                          for CIDFonts. See CIDFont font descriptors
FlateDecode filter 67, 71-77, 256, 1102
                                                                          Descent entry 457, 927
     Fl abbreviation 354, 1100
                                                                          embedded font programs 457-458, 465
     parameters. See FlateDecode filter parameter dictionar-              FD dictionary. See CIDFont FD dictionaries
                                                                          Flags entry 456, 458-460, 893-894
     predictor functions 75-77                                            flags. See font flags
     in sampled images 340                                                for font subsets 419, 1110
FlateDecode filter parameter dictionaries 73-74                           FontBBox entry 456
     BitsPerComponent entry 74                                            FontFamily entry 456, 894
     Colors entry 74                                                      FontFile entry 457, 465, 467, 1036
     Columns entry 74                                                     FontFile2 entry 457, 466
     Predictor entry 74-76                                                FontFile3 entry 438, 458, 466-467, 1111
flatness tolerance 213, 508-509                                           FontName entry 419, 456, 458, 461

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