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   FontStretch entry 456, 894                                         Serif 458, 893-894
   FontWeight entry 456, 894                                          SmallCap 459, 893-894
   ItalicAngle entry 457                                              Symbolic 458
   Leading entry 457                                               font management 412
   in Linearized PDF 1035-1036                                     font matrix 203, 394, 420
   MaxWidth entry 457                                                 rotation 421
   MissingWidth entry 414, 457                                        and Type 3 glyph descriptions 422
   StemH entry 457
                                                                   font names 389
   StemV entry 457, 894
                                                                      conventions 412
   Style dictionary. See CIDFont Style dictionaries
                                                                      font subsets 419
   for TrueType fonts 457
                                                                      multiple master 417
   Type 0 fonts, lacking in 455
                                                                      PostScript 410, 413, 417-419, 453, 456
   for Type 1 fonts 414, 457
                                                                      Type 0 fonts 453
   Type 3 fonts, lacking in 455
                                                                      Type 1 fonts 413
   Type entry 456
                                                                      Type 3 fonts 420
   XHeight entry 457
                                                                   Font Naming Issues (Adobe Technical Note #5088) 417,
font dictionaries 60, 387-388, 410-412                                     1153
   BaseFont entry 456
   compact fonts 468                                               font numbers 434, 441, 448, 452-454
   encoding 425-426                                                Font object type 60, 413, 420, 436, 452, 1060
   font matrix 203                                                 font programs 387-388, 411-412, 420
   glyph metrics in 393-394                                           compact 466, 468
   metadata inapplicable to 847                                       copyright permissions 465
   as named resources 154, 389                                        embedded. See embedded font programs
   in PostScript 411                                                  encoding 412
   Subtype entry 60, 388, 410                                         external 411-412
   text font parameter 221                                            font dictionaries, defined in 389
   ToUnicode entry 470                                                glyph metrics in 393-394, 414
   in trap networks 977                                               hints 412, 420
   Type entry 60                                                      multiple master 416
   Widths entry 457                                                   in PostScript 411
   See also                                                           TrueType 418
        CIDFont dictionaries                                          Type 1 412-413, 417, 1108-1109
        multiple master font dictionaries                          Font resource type 154, 333, 389, 398, 413, 436, 673, 679,
        TrueType font dictionaries                                         1035
        Type 0 font dictionaries                                   font selector attributes (Tagged PDF) 893-894
        Type 1 font dictionaries                                      FontFamily 894
        Type 3 font dictionaries                                      FontSize 894
Font entry                                                            FontStretch 894
   graphics state parameter dictionary 221                            FontStyle 894
   resource dictionary 154, 333, 389, 398, 413, 436, 673,             FontVariant 894
        679                                                           FontWeight 893-894
font files 388, 465                                                   GenericFontFamily 894
   embedded 388                                                    font stretch
   external 387-388                                                   Condensed 456
   in font descriptors 412, 1035                                      Normal 456
   metadata 847                                                    font subsets 419, 1110
font flags 426, 456, 458-460                                          BaseFont entry 419, 1110
   AllCap 459                                                         character set 458
   FixedPitch 458, 893-894                                            embedded 40, 469
   ForceBold 459-460, 894                                             font descriptors for 419, 1110
   Italic 458, 893-894                                                merging 419
   Nonsymbolic 458                                                    name 419
   Script 458, 894                                                    PostScript name 419, 436

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