Use VeryPDF PDF Content Splitter

VeryPDF PDF Content Splitter can be used to split PDF content. It is user friendly. You can take only five steps to split PDF content according to the split rule defined by you. The following is the interface of VeryPDF PDF Content Splitter. Please take the following steps to use this software application to split PDF.

interface of VeryPDF PDF Content Splitter

Fig. 1. The Interface of VeryPDF PDF Content Splitter

1. Input PDF files

You can do one of the following to input PDF files:

  • Drag the PDF files from Windows Explore and drop them into the list box.
  • Click the Add Button under the list box, choose the files in the popup dialog box, and click OK.
  • Then, you can view the file sizes, total page numbers, file directories and file names in the list box.

You can change the order of the listed PDF files by clicking Up and Down. If you want to remove some PDF files from the list box, please click Remove. If you want to remove all the selected PDF files, please click Clear.

2. Set split rule

Click the Rule button under the list box to open the Rule dialog box where you can set a split rule. As you can see, the characters on the pages are enclosed by rectangles with dotted lines. You should:

  • Click a rectangle.
  • Click the Make it be the rule button. Then the exact coordinates will appear in the Rule Content edit box.
  • Type a unique rule name in the edit box after the Save Rule As button.
  • Click the Save Rule As button. The rule name appears in the Rule Name combo box on the main interface immediately.

the rule dialog box

Fig. 2. Rule Editor

3. Choose a split method

Choose a split method in the Split Method combo box on the main interface. There are three methods:

  • Method 1: split the former part before the page where different text appears in the specified position.
  • Method 2: split the former part before the page where text, no matter different or not, appears in the specified position.
  • Method 3: split as method 1, then group the result PDF files depending on the same split rules, and merge the files in the same group.

three split method

Fig. Three Split Method

4. Choose an output folder

Click the icon after the Output Folder edit box to open the Browse for Folder dialog box. Then choose a folder in the dialog box, and click OK.

5. Start splitting

Click the Split button on the main interface to start the process. The status information will be displayed in the box under Progress Area.

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