How to convert Spanish PDF to DOC with OCR technology

The application VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter supports converting Spanish PDF to DOC with OCR technology on Windows platforms.

VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter allows Windows users to process multiple languages PDF files to Word of DOC or RTF files, e.g., English PDF, German PDF, French PDF, etc.. So, right now, if you want to know more details, just do not hesitate to obtain trial version of VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter. And then, just read the followings to know how to fulfill them with GUI interface. 🙂

Step1. Open GUI interface and add Spanish PDF

Double-click shortcut of software to open GUI interface, and then, drag and drop Spanish PDF into processing form directly, then, you will see its path displays in it. Or you can click Add PDF File(s) on GUI interface, then, select right PDF files and click Open, so the result, which is directories of PDF appear in processing table, is the same as one of drag and drop. 🙂

Step2. Set OCR mode and select targeting format

After adding, please click radio MS Word Document to set targeting file type as DOC, and then, to make OCR technology work accurately based on Spanish PDF, please select 12 OCR PDF file (Language: Spanish) on dropdown list Output Options.

Here is related snapshot about how to set DOC as targeting format and OCR mode after adding Spanish PDF:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter

Step3. Convert Spanish PDF file to DOC file with OCR technology

After prepared work is done as above, please click Convert on GUI interface, and then, after you set targeting folder in pop dialog box, and click Save, DOC file, which is editable and good-quality, can be produced into targeting folder. 🙂

In the end, if you try this software by yourself to convert your Spanish PDF file to DOC file through OCR technology, you will notice trial version only works in previous pages of PDF, so right now, if you need full version, which has no limit on conversion, please purchase VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter.

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