pdf to vector converter

PDF to PCL Converter questions

I am evaluating the pdf2vec program and have a couple of questions before we purchase it.

I am attempting to convert a PDF file of a blank form to PCL format and the PDF has a small logo in it that prints out fine from the PDF but is quite distorted (seems to be missing a lot of it) when printing the PCL file that was converted with no command line options.

If I add -enablepv2r and -pv2rmergetext 100 then the logo looks much better. The problem is that the PCL file has grown from about 68k to 888K in size. Also, the form seems to have been reduced in scale just enough to throw off the alignment of data that I am trying to print on the form. I can go through my program and change where the data prints but would like to avoid that if possible. Also, the larger file seems to slow down the printing of the form.

So my questions, in order of importance, would be, are there command line options that can:
1. Preserve the original logo quality?
2. Reduce the size of the PCL file (68K vs. 888K)?
3. Keep the form scale the same as with no command line options?
Thanks for your message, can you please email to us your sample PDF file for checking? after we checked your sample PDF file, we will figure out a solution to you shortly.


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pdf to image converter

pdf2image DLL Library on x64 system

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I wish that the support from all of the products we use was as good.

However, as long as I was working with it, I tested it on a 64 bit machine (one of my workstations, which is Windows 7 Professional  x64). This simple code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace TestPDF2Image2
class Program
private const string PDF2ImagePathName = @"C:\bin\pdf2image.dll";

[DllImport(PDF2ImagePathName, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint PDFToImageConverter(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string FileName,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string OutputName,
IntPtr UserPassword, IntPtr OwnPassword,
int xresolution, int yresolution, int bitcount,
int compression, int quality, int grayscale,
int multipage, int firstPage, int lastPage);

[DllImport(PDF2ImagePathName, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint PDFToImageConverterEx(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string FileName,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string OutputName,
IntPtr UserPassword, IntPtr OwnPassword,
int m_iPageSizeMode, int xresolution, int yresolution, int bitcount,
int compression, int quality, int grayscale,
int multipage, int firstPage, int lastPage);

[DllImport(PDF2ImagePathName, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
static extern uint PDFToImageSetCode(string lpRegcode);

static void Main(string[] args)

Returns this error:

System.BadImageFormatException was unhandled
Message="An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)"
at TestPDF2Image.Program.PDFToImageSetCode(String lpRegcode)
at TestPDF2Image.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Custom Libraries\ResultReportsV1\Version 1.0\TestPDF2Image\Program.cs:line 34
at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Is PDF2Image compatible with 64 bit Windows? I suspect that the problem is that it is not. This will become an issue since we’re moving all our servers from Windows 2003 x86 to Windows 2008 R2 x64.
pdf2image.dll is the 32bit DLL Library, you can compile your application with x86 platform, then you can call pdf2image.dll from your code properly.

Also, the latest version of PDF2Image SDK can be called from 64bit EXE directly, please refer to following web page for more information,

Call PDF To Image Converter COM Component v2.0 from 64bit application


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pdfcamp printer

append and insert options in PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5

Quick question, will the 64 bit version of the PDF Camp Printer append to an existing PDF? We've been using the 32 bit version for several years a love it, but now need the 64bit version and I was told by someone who has tried it that the append/insert option is not available on the 64bit version. Please confirm.
Thanks for your message, yes, PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 hasn't append/insert options yet, append and insert options are included in PDFcamp Printer v2.3 version only, we are planning implement these options in the next version of PDFcamp Printer x64 product, we will let you know after new version is ready, thanks for your patience.


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pdfcamp printer

I have questions about installing PDFcamp Printer

I have PDFcamp Printer v2.3 Developer License, on Win7 64-bit & WinXP systems.

I am unable to properly install/register the PDFcamp Printer on my Win7 64-bit development machine. I tried installing the driver downloaded from the "PDFcamp Printer Unlimited Royalty Free License" download link (pdfcamp_setup.exe).

Setups to followed when installing PDFcamp Printer
1) Start pdfcamp_setup.exe
2) Windows pop up a message box asking "Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?". I answer yes and it continues to the setup app.
3) For each step I accept the default setting.

After setup is completed there is not a PDFcamp printer device created and there is nor a printer driver listed for PDFcamp in Print Management or on the Advance tab of  the Printer Properties of an existing printer where the Printer Driver can be changed.

This screenshot shows that the PDFcamp driver is not listed in Print Management, even though "VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer v2.3" is listed in the Uninstall programs list.

When "VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer v2.3" is uninstalled I get the following message. After clicking OK the next message is that it was successfully uninstalled.

PDFcamp Printer
PDFcamp Printer

If I download and install the "PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5" driver (pdfcamp-printer-x64.exe), then it creates a printer device and will create PDF files when used. However it prompts for a registration key and will not accept the key provided by SWReg Digital River.

So that I can continue working on our app I have installed and registered the driver on a Windows XP (32-bit) development machine without any problems. I have also updated one of our applications so that it will  automatically save printed reports to PDF files .

However I still have a few questions.
1) How is PDFcamp Printer supposed to be installed on a Win 7 64-bit machine?
2) How is PDFcamp Printer supposed to be installed/registered on client machines as part of our product installation?
a) Is there a merge module that can be added to our install package or an installer that takes parameters so that the user does not need to be involved?
b) Can a different name be assigned to the printer device during installation?

Our product is a 32-bit application that may be running on either a 32-bit or a 64-bit version of Windows. We need a single process to load the PDFcamp driver on either type of Windows setup.
>>1) How is PDFcamp Printer supposed to be installed on a Win 7 64-bit machine?

PDFcamp Printer v2.3 is support 32bit system only, it doesn’t support Windows 7 64bit system, if you wish use PDFcamp Printer on 64bit system, you have to install PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 application, PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 does support both 32bit and 64bit systems.

>>2) How is PDFcamp Printer supposed to be installed/registered on client machines as part of our product installation?

Yes, after you purchased the Developer License, you can integrate PDFcamp Printer into your application, then you can install and uninstall it from your application silently.

>>a) Is there a merge module that can be added to our install package or an installer that takes parameters so that the user does not need to be involved?

Thank you for your business, please refer to following information about how to install and uninstall PDFcamp Printer from your application,

1. Please go to "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer v2.3" folder, you can run "setup.exe" to install the PDFcamp Printer, you can run "unpdf.exe" to uninstall the PDFcamp Printer, you can also call the "setup.exe" and "unpdf.exe" from your installation package.

2. Please notice, you need copy the "encryptpdf.api" and "email.exe" to your system32 folder from your installation package,

3. Please set "PromptForDefaultPrinter=No" in "config.ini" file to install PDFcamp Printer silently, for example,


4. Please write your registration key into your registry from your installation package,
4.1. Set your registration key for all users of this computer,

4.2. Set your registration key for current user of this computer,

5. Then it's fine.

Files in the "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer v2.3" folder,
1. "setup.exe" will set up the PDFcamp Printer,
2. "unpdf.exe" will delete the PDFcamp Printer,
3. "driver" folder is the driver for the PDFcamp Printer,
4. "encrypdf.api" should be copied into your system32 folder from your setup package,

The following files are necessary,

>>b) Can a different name be assigned to the printer device during installation?

You can’t change the printer name during installation, however, you can rename the PDFcamp Printer easily after installation, please refer to a simple source code at below.

The code snippet is used to rename a printer programmatically. The program initially gets the handle to the printer specified by name using the OpenPrinter function. The current printer settings will be available in the PRINTER_INFO_2 structure. It then retrieves the current printer settings using GetPrinter function. Modify the settings you wish to do by creating the instance of the PRINTER_INFO_2 structure. Set the latest settings using the SetPrinter function. Finally close the printer using ClosePrinter function.

You can use this code as such or with minor alteration in any MFC application to rename a printer.

void CRenamePrinterDlg::OnRenamePrinter()
HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
DWORD dwNeeded = 0;
BOOL bFlag;
LONG lFlag;
// Open printer handle (on Windows NT, you need
full-access because you
// will eventually use SetPrinter)...
LPTSTR pPrinterName = "LASER-Printer" ;
ZeroMemory(&pd, sizeof(pd));
pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS;
bFlag = OpenPrinter(pPrinterName, &hPrinter, &pd);
if (!bFlag || (hPrinter == NULL))
// The first GetPrinter tells you how big the buffer should be in
// order to hold all of PRINTER_INFO_2. Note that this should fail with
// ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.  If GetPrinter fails for any other reason
// or dwNeeded isn't set for some reason, then there is a problem...
bFlag = GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, 0, 0, &dwNeeded);
if ((!bFlag) && (GetLastError() !=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) ||(dwNeeded == 0))
return ;
// Allocate enough space for PRINTER_INFO_2...
pi2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2 *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwNeeded);
if (pi2 == NULL)
return ;
// The second GetPrinter fills in all the current settings, so all you
// need to do is modify what you're interested in...
bFlag = GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pi2,dwNeeded, &dwNeeded);
CString bval;
bval.Format(" GetPrinter: %d",bFlag);
if (!bFlag)
// If GetPrinter didn't fill in the DEVMODE, try to get it by calling
// DocumentProperties...
if (pi2->pDevMode == NULL)
dwNeeded = DocumentProperties(NULL, hPrinter, pPrinterName, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (dwNeeded <= 0)
return ;
pDevMode = (DEVMODE *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwNeeded);
if (pDevMode == NULL)
return ;
lFlag = DocumentProperties(NULL, hPrinter, pPrinterName, pDevMode, NULL,
if (lFlag != IDOK || pDevMode == NULL)
return ;
pi2->pDevMode = pDevMode;
// Driver is reporting that it doesn't support this change...
if (!(pi2->pDevMode->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION))
if (pDevMode)
return ;
// Specify exactly what we are attempting to change...
/*pi2->pDevMode->dmFields = DM_ORIENTATION;
pi2->pDevMode->dmOrientation = dmOrientation;*/
LPTSTR lpPrinterName = "Hi! I am the new printer";
pi2->pPrinterName = lpPrinterName;
// Do not attempt to set security descriptor
pi2->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
// Make sure the driver-dependent part of devmode is updated...
lFlag = DocumentProperties(NULL,hPrinter,pPrinterName,
pi2->pDevMode, pi2->pDevMode,DM_IN_BUFFER | DM_OUT_BUFFER);
if (lFlag != IDOK)
if (pDevMode)
// Update printer information...
bFlag = SetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pi2, 0);
if (!bFlag)
// The driver doesn't support, or it is unable to make the change...
if (pDevMode)
// Tell other apps that there was a change...
// Clean up
if (pi2)
if (hPrinter)
if (pDevMode)

>>Our product is a 32-bit application that may be running on either a 32-bit or a 64-bit version of Windows. We need a single process to load the PDFcamp driver on either type of Windows setup.

PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 is support both 32bit and 64bit system, if you wish use PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5, please feel free to let me know, I will send a license key of PDFcamp Printer x64 v2.5 to you shortly.


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spool file page counter sdk

Read “n-up” value and the “Duplex” printing options from PCL files

I am interested in purchasing your Developer License SDK and would like to know if it can handle n-up pages.  Also, what would be the cost of the SDK?

Thank you,
Thanks for your message, We have Spool File Page Counter SDK v2.0 Developer License product, after you purchased it, you can integrate our product with your application and distribute it with your own application royalty free.

Also, what is your meaning for the "handle n-up pages"? do you wish count the n-up pages in the PCL, PS, and PDF formats too?

Attached are two example of SPL files that have n-up printing.  N-up printing is when you specify that you will be printing more than one page per sheet of paper.

Does your page counter SDK return the n-up value so that we can know how many physical sheets of paper was used?
Thanks for your message, "Spool File Page Counter SDK" can't return "n-up value" from PCL files, however, your suggestion is great, we will try to add this option into the future release of "Spool File Page Counter SDK" product, we will let you know after this option is ready.


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