doc to any converter, docprint pro, html converter (htmltools)

doc2any html convert problem


I'm not able to convert a pdf file

run command like c:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe c:\doc\a.html c:\a.pdf
then doc2any was make pdf file

When i opend the a.pdf file, i see the html code.

like this


why does this happens?
Licensing issues?

i use only the command line to run

i use doc2any on windows2008 R2 (64)
and i.e version is 8

html conversion engine is i.e ?

Do i need some setting ? like a "Explorer Security level"
i only use commad line

please answer

thank you

Please add -debug parameter to try again, -debug parameter will output some detailed log message, these log message will help us to find out where is wrong quickly,

c:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -debug c:\doc\a.html c:\a.pdf

additionally, you can also download docPrint Pro v5.0 product from following web page to try,

you can run following command line to convert your HTML file to PDF file,

"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i C:\test.htm -o C:\out.pdf

We hoping docPrint Pro v5.0 product will work fine for you too.


thanks yuo for your support
but i have a new problem

doc2any is runnig on 2008R2 iis 7.5
and i made a site by aspx
aspx page had run doc2any.exe. but doc2any.exe is not make pdf file
doc2any is only just run, it is not work

i use process exploer(made by MS) , searching doc2any.exe

doc2any is waiting user request. you see screenshot1
is that right? doc2any waiting user request?
how can i fix it

what is wrong ? is this Permission problem?
same source is very good working on windows 2003 server(dev-server)

and You suggested docPrint Pro v5.0 is looks like good
but I can not be used.
Because, click ok, and after the press run had to be
thank you
You need give enough permission to MS Word DCOM, please refer to following web page for more information,


thank you for your reply

i read your reply, but i don't under stand. i don't give any  permission to MS Word DCOM

i can't find MS Word DCOM, I did not even been installed MS-OFFICE

my code be alike your eaxmle #1 (C# example)

i can't get solution?

thanks you

You need install MS Office in order to convert DOC or DOCX or PPT or PPTX or XLS or XLSX documents to PDF files, if your system hasn't MS Office installed, the conversion will fail, please notice this matter.

Example #1 (C# example)  is for desktop application only, if you wish run the conversion in the web service, you need give enough permission to MS Word DCOM, after you installed MS Office, please run following command line, then you will able to find the MS Word DCOM, please to try,

MMC comexp.msc /32

Hi thank you
i read your reply, i understand DOC, DOCX....
but i want converting html to pdf
only html file
is it require ms office ?
thank you
No, HTML format is not require the MS Office.

just for checking, can you convert your HTML file to PDF file correctly by following command line?

doc2any.exe -debug C:\test.htm C:\out.pdf

if you still can’t get it work in CMD window, please email to us the log message, after we checked your log message, we will figure out a solution to you asap.

If you can run it in CMD window, it is indicate something is wrong in your web service. You need give enough permission to your web service, you can run your web service inside Administrator user account instead of SYSTEM account to try again.

Additionally, we have released a HTML to PDF Web service recently, you can test it from following web page,

This HTML to PDF Converter service is using our technology, everything is fine.

If you still can’t solve this problem, please create a remote desktop account on your test machine, after we logged into your test machine, we will research this problem for you asap.


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pdfstamp command line

PDF Stamp COM SDK 3.2 — doesn’t work on Win2k8 64bit


PDFStamp.DLL fails to register on our Windows 2008 64bit server. I've tried regsvr32 in both \windows\system32\ and \windows\syswow64\ and both fail. The other DLL, PDFStampOcx.dll, registered just fine.

Do I need a 64bit version of PDFStamp.DLL?
The "example_vb.exe" does work by creating stamped PDFs. However, the COM version isn't working - here's the error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime
error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'PDFStampOCX.CPDFStamp'
The latest version of PDF Stamp COM SDK does support Win2k8 64bit system, if you have purchased our product, please email to us your Order ID, we will assist you asap.

Thank you, that's good to know. I'm currently testing the trial version. But it doesn't work, as I explained below. I have to ensure it works before I purchase. Can you assist?

We're also strongly considering PDFLib. We currently use v6 but it doesn't support 64bit. So I tried v8 and it works great. But costs about $1400. I'd rather use your product... but only if I can get the trial version to work!

The latest test version has already supported the 64bit system, please by following steps to try again,

1. Please run "bin/install_for_x64.bat" to register PDFStampCom.exe first, you need run it with administrator right, you can also run following command line to register it by manual,

PDFStampCom.exe /regserver

2. Please run "test-pdfstampcom-x64.vbs" to test the stamp functions, please refer to sample code at below, please notice the RED code line, the "PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp" interface can be supported in both 32bit and 64bit systems,

Const Very_Set_Range = 131
Const Very_Set_Opacity = 240
Const Very_Get_Opacity = 240
Const Very_Get_PdfPageCount = 206
Const Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp = 260
Const Very_Set_EmbedFont = 241
Const Very_Get_EmbedFont = 241
Const Very_Set_TransparentColor = 242
Const Very_Set_ImageLossless = 243
Const Very_Set_InsertMultipleImageCopy = 244
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    strFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)
    strPDFFile = strFolder & "\example.pdf"
    strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-test.pdf"
    Set pdfstamp = CreateObject("PDFStampCOM.CPDFStamp")
    pdfstamp.veryRegEx "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    id = pdfstamp.veryOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile)
    'id = pdfstamp.VeryStampLayerOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "PDFManWatermark_Overlayer", "PDFManWatermark_Underlayer")
    If (id > 0) Then
            Page = 1
            iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_InsertMultipleImageCopy, 1, 0, 0, 0)
            pagecount = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PdfPageCount, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            MsgBox "PDF file: " & strPDFFile & ", Page Count = " & CStr(pagecount)
            For Page = 1 To pagecount
                leftpos = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "left", 0)
                top = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "top", 0)
                pagewidth = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "width", 0)
                pageheight = pdfstamp.veryGetFunctionEx(id, Very_Get_PageBoxForStamp, Page, 0, "height", 0)
                'We need to control which pages the stamp goes on
                iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_Range, Page, 1, 0, 0)
                strStampBuf = "Page:" + CStr(pagecount - Page + 1) + ", Page Box: [" + CStr(leftpos) + " " + CStr(top) + " " + CStr(pagewidth) + " " + CStr(pageheight) + "]"
                'Not embed TTF font for general text stamp
                iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_EmbedFont, 0, 0, 0, 0)
                iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 2, strStampBuf, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 10, 1, "", 0)
                'Embed special TTF font into PDF file, we can to use any TTF font
                iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_EmbedFont, 1, 0, 0, 0)
                iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 1, "0123456789", RGB(0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Code-39-20", 8, 1, "", 0)
                iRet = pdfstamp.verySetFunctionEx(id, Very_Set_ImageLossless, 1, 0, 0, 0)
                iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddImageEx(id, 9, strFolder & "\watermark.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 0, 0, 0)
        pdfstamp.veryCloseEx (id)
    End If
    iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampDeleteStampFromPagesEx(strOutFile, strOutFile + "-StampRemoval.pdf", "1,5-6,8,13-15")
    iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampDeleteImagesFromPagesEx(strOutFile, strOutFile + "-ImageRemoval.pdf", 1240, 1240, "1,5-6,8,13-15")
    nIsStamped1 = pdfstamp.VeryStampIsStampedEx(strPDFFile)
    nIsStamped2 = pdfstamp.VeryStampIsStampedEx(strOutFile)
    strMessage = strPDFFile & ", Check Stamp Status: " & CStr(nIsStamped1) & vbCrLf
    strMessage = strMessage & strOutFile & ", Check Stamp Status: " & CStr(nIsStamped2)
    MsgBox strMessage
    strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-newLayer-test.pdf"
    id = pdfstamp.VeryStampLayerOpenEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "Foreground Layer", "Background Layer")
    If (id > 0) Then
        iRet = pdfstamp.veryAddTextEx(id, 2, "Test VeryStampLayerOpen() function", 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 10, 1, "", 0)
        pdfstamp.veryCloseEx (id)
    End If
    strOutFile = strFolder & "\vbcom-Encrypted-test.pdf"
    iRet = pdfstamp.VeryStampEncryptPDFEx(strPDFFile, strOutFile, "", "123", 1, 3900)


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pdf to word converter

Issue with PDF2Word V3.0

Hi there,

I have 3 issue while using PDF2Word V3.0. I am using Windows XP.

Please see attached file for issue description:
1. Internal link in Word document does not work.
2. Empty checkbox is incorrect in Word document 3. The file size is much larger than original pdf file.
Could you please check and let me know if there is any way to get around this problem?

>>1. Internal link in Word document does not work.
>>2. Empty checkbox is incorrect in Word document

Thanks for your message, we will try to solve these problems in the next version of PDF2Word product, we will send the new version to you as soon as it ready, thanks for your patience.
>>3. The file size is much larger than original pdf file.

You can open the converted DOC file in MS Word, save it to a new DOC file again, this will compress the DOC file size a lot, please to try.


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pdf form filler

fill in pdf forms form a SQL database through PDF Form FIller OCX

I am looking for a solution to create CERTIFICATES inside a VB6 application. These are simple word documents which we fill in from a SQL database. It has limitations as word struggles with graphics etc. We know they can design "pretty" certificates of attainment etc in PDF files. If we turn these into PDF forms we need to be able to access the data from the SQL database to fill in the form. Obviously we want to supply the basic pdf suite to each of the companies but they would then want all their users to be able to use the ocx imbedded in our application. i.e. They need a royalty free client.
Can you supply a solution that allows us to fill in pdf forms form a SQL database through your ocx?
Is the ocx royalty free? e.g. Most of the companies are small - 5 to 10 users each. Often only one person would be capable of creating a form or they would get us to do it for them but any one of their users would need to produce a "certificate" for one of their customers.

>>Can you supply a solution that allows us to fill in pdf forms form a SQL database through your ocx?

Yes, please download VeryPDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 from following web page to try, you can use VeryPDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 to fill the PDF forms easily,

>>Is the ocx royalty free?

Yes, our VeryPDF Form Filler GUI OCX v3.1 is royalty free, With a developer license you can integrate our product with your application and distribute it with your own application royalty free.


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pdfstamp command line

PDF Stamp Command Line for Windows 7

I bought the command line version of PDF Stamp from you and discovered that it didn't run on my computer. I guessed it would work on Windows 7 since Vista is supported, but it didn't. I have made a test on a computer with Windows XP and it was successful. When will you upgrade to Windows 7 compatibility? I won't be able to do very much until then.


Our PDF Stamp Command Line does support Windows 7 system, please run PDF Stamp Command Line with administrator right to try again, we hoping administrator right will helpful to you.


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