How to remove margins from PDF pages before pdf stitch?
I'm using PDFStitcher software to stitch all of my PDF pages to a new PDF page, everything work fine, but my PDF page has a...
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I'm using PDFStitcher software to stitch all of my PDF pages to a new PDF page, everything work fine, but my PDF page has a...
Hi,I had the pcl converter sdk installed while testing it before I purchased. After purchasing, I uninstalled (uninstall.vbs) the trail and installed what was an...
Do you have any programs or tools that would merge pages in a multipage tiff into one page? for example, a 20 page tiff would...
Hi, I am trying to use platform invocation from c# to invoke the convert method on pcltoolsdk.dll but that dll is 32 bit and my...
We are ready to purchase VeryPDF PDF Stitcher software, but we have one question, is there a way to merge all pages without having to...