pdf to text converter

Can’t call PDF2TXT SDK from ASP code

I have a  WIN 2003 server.
I downloaded the demo( PDF2TXT Com for developers.
I'm trying to do this example in ASP.
I have registered the
regsvr32 p2tocx.ocx
regsvr32 Pdf2Txtex.dll
Here is the message
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/doracle/test_eclipse_Verypdf.asp, line 3
code below:
set pp2t = Server.CreateObject("pdf2txt.cpdf2txt")

The DLL has the IUSR_machine and IWAM_machine permission.
Please check following issues,
1. Please copy Pdf2Txtex.dll, pdf2txt.dll, encryptpdf.dll, pdfsdk.dll, p2tocx.ocx files to same folder,
2. Register Pdf2Txtex.dll from this folder,

regsvr32 Pdf2Txtex.dll

3. Please give Full Control permission to Everyone user account to the folder where these DLL files exist,
4. OK, please run your ASP code to try again,

If you are using 64bit system, please don't copy these DLL files to system32 folder, you need copy these DLL files to syswow64 folder, and set "Enable 32-bit Applications" to True in IIS Service, then you can call "PDF2TXT.CPDF2TXT" from 64bit ASP code properly.

if you still can't get it work, please create a remote desktop account on your test machine, after we logged into your test machine, we will research this problem for you asap.

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pdf to vector converter

Convert from PDF to PLT format

I’m looking for a software that convert PDF files format to PLT (HPGL) file format. If it’s available, I’d like to receive a demo version and others informations about it. Is it possible?
VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is able to convert PDF file to PLT format, you may download VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter from following web page to try,


for example,

pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.hpgl
pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.plt
pdf2vec.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pcl

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docconverter com

no image in pdf which created by DocConverter COM html2pdf.exe

I have a problem with an image in HTML, that doesn’t been shown in the pdf.

The image is a background-image in a field in a table

Source code: <td rowspan="3" colspan="2" style="width: 87.5mm; background-image:url(http://www.xxx/Flaechenkarte.jpg)">

I convert html to pdf with ASP and i use the following strCommand:
dim strCommandLine
strCommandLine = """" + strHtmlFileName + """"
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + " "
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + """" + strPdfFileName + """"
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + " "
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + """" + "EnableSupportApplet=yes" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "DelayTimeForPrintApplet=1000" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "PrintHTMLBackground=yes" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "paperType=9" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "margin_left=15" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "margin_top=15" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "margin_right=15" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "margin_bottom=15" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "pageWidth=595" + ","
strCommandLine = strCommandLine + "pageHeight=842" + """"

Can you tell me, what else i have to do, that this image comes to my pdf?
Can you please email to us your sample HTML file, image file and your Order ID (if you have)? after we checked your sample files, we will figure out a solution to you shortly.

Here I send you a sample html-file, the css and the image, that doesn’t exist in the pdf anymore.

The Order ID I don’t know. Verypdf has been installed on our server, before I started working here.
Please look at attached PDF file, this PDF file was converted by following command line,

html2pdf.exe "D:\temp5\html_to_pdf\Pfungen.html" "D:\temp5\html_to_pdf\Pfungen.pdf" "PrintHTMLBackground=yes"

this PDF file does contain the image, please run above command line in your system to try again, can you get it work in your system?

You can also add "PrintHTMLBackground=yes" to your code to try again, the "PrintHTMLBackground=yes" parameter may solve this problem to you.

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powerpoint to flash

PowerPoint Converter pptconv.exe return error value -3

we have an issue converting the attached slide.

As you know we call pptconv from our service.

In our logs we see an exit code of -3 for the slide, yet when we run the command manually on the command line the conversion completes successfully.

Here is our extract from the log file:

2011-06-24 13:51:40,042 INFO  [External-C:\Program Files\VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v2.0\pptconv.exe "C:\guru\components\SandboxSlideConverter\work\20110624125147574-F67291AE-360F-4F30-42B7-857DC71561EB\SS Learn -  47.ppt" "C:\guru\components\SandboxSlideConverter\work\20110624125147574-F67291AE-360F-4F30-42B7-857DC71561EB\original\.png"-9676] - Exit value is (Number of files produced): -3

Running the command "C:\Program Files\VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter v2.0\pptconv.exe" "C:\guru\components\SandboxSlideConverter\work\20110624125147574-F67291AE-360F-4F30-42B7-857DC71561EB\SS Learn -  47.ppt" "C:\guru\components\SandboxSlideConverter\work\20110624125147574-F67291AE-360F-4F30-42B7-857DC71561EB\original\.png" directly on the command line however completes successfully.

Can you please advise why this is returning a -3 exit code when we call pptconv.exe as a service for this slide?

I look forward to hearing from you.

"-3" is indicate something is wrong during conversion. The service account hasn't permission to launch MS PowerPoint application, we suggest you may run the application from an interactive user account instead of service account to try again.

Please by following steps to try again,

1. Please download EXEShell COM Library from following URL,


Please refer to following page about EXEShell COM Library,


2. Please use following code to call pptconv.exe from PHP or ASP code,

ASP code,
Set comEXEShell = Server.CreateObject("exeshell.shell")
comEXEShell.RunCommandLine "Administrator", "123456", "C:\pptconv.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ""C:\in.ppt"" ""C:\out.swf"""
Set comEXEShell = Nothing

PHP code,
$PdfCreator =new COM("exeshell.shell") or die("Cannot start PdfCreator");
$PdfCreator->RunCommandLine("Administrator", "123456", "C:\pptconv.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf");
$PdfCreator = null;

Please set correct username and password to RunCommandLine() function, then you can launch the conversion from this special user account.

You may encounter Error 1314 in some Windows systems when you launch the conversion, please by following steps to solve the 1314 Error,

ERROR 1314:
1314 A required privilege is not held by the client. ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD

To resolve this issue:
1. Click Start, click Run, type "secpol.msc", and then press ENTER.
2. Double-click "Local Policies".
3. Double-click "User Rights Assignment".
4. Double-click "Replace a process level token".
5. Click "Add", and then double-click the "Everyone" group
6. Click "OK".
7. You may have to logout or even reboot to have this change take effect.

Please refer to following two screenshots to understand above steps,


Please look at following page for the details about ERROR 1314,


3. OK, you should no problem to call pptconv.exe from ASP or PHP code now.

Please notice, you need change "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" to correct License Key which sent to you by swreg.

However, if you still have same problem, please create a remote desktop account on your test machine, email to us the IP address, user name and password of this remote desktop account, we will login your test machine and assist you to solve this problem asap.

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doc to any converter

Interest in Doc2Any, convert office to Flash

I'm looking for some SDK that convert office to Flash, I'm trying your doc2any.
And I have some questions:
1. Does your doc2any can convert doc/docx/ppt/pptx to Flash per page one file? That means 10 pages of ppt need to convert to 10 swf files.
2. Can doc2any output the Flash file with version9 (as3) or higher?
3. I convert a doc to pdf, but the hyperlinks is invalid, do I miss something?
4. I don't anyother know I use your doc2any SDK, is it possible to clear the information from the DLL?

5. Is it possible to get the progress of converting? so I can show the progress in my tool.
6. What is different between End User License and Developer License? I download from yoru website, it is the same.

7. Do you have VeryDOC PDF2any SDK?
I can't find more document in your website about your SDK, can you list them to me?
Looking forwards to your quick reply.

>>1. Does your doc2any can convert doc/docx/ppt/pptx to Flash per page one file?
>>That means 10 pages of ppt need to convert to 10 swf files.

Yes, you can run following command line with VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert your doc/docx/ppt/pptx to Flash per page one file,

Doc2any.exe C:\test.doc C:\out%.swf

You can use '%' symbol to create a single page SWF files.

>>2. Can doc2any output the Flash file with version9 (as3) or higher?

The current version of doc2any.exe can't create AS3 SWF files, however, we are planning support AS3 in the next version of doc2any.exe application, we are planning release a new version after a few weeks.

>>3. I convert a doc to pdf, but the hyperlinks is invalid, do I miss something?

Please install "MS Office 2007 + PDF&XPS SaveAs addon" or "MS Office 2010" first, then you can run following command line to convert your DOC file to PDF file,

Doc2any.exe -useoffice 1 C:\test.doc C:\out.pdf

The output PDF file will contain clickable hyperlinks.

>>4. I don't any other know I use your doc2any SDK, is it possible to clear the information from the DLL?

Sorry, we don't understand your meaning, can you please let us know what information do you want to clear? Do you want to clear the document summary information from output PDF files? Such as title, keywords, subject, author, etc.?

>>5. Is it possible to get the progress of converting? so I can show the progress in my tool.

Doc2any.exe don't report the progress of converting in the current, version, however, we can add this function to you at additional cost, if you are interest in this solution, please feel free to let us know, we will provide a quotation to you shortly.

>>6. What is different between End User License and Developer License? I download from yoru website, it is the same.

Please refer to following information to understand the different licenses,

Desktop License (End User License): It can be run from one user account on the computer, it is licensed by per user, you will need to purchase a license for each user who wish to use the product. End user license can't be run on Win2000 Server, Win2003 Server, Win2008 Server, etc. server systems, it can only be run on Win9x, WinXP, Vista, Win 7 etc. non-server systems.

Server License: It can be run on one server/computer with any number of users, it is licensed by per production server/computer (you needn't pay for development/test and backup servers), you will need to purchase a server license for each production server/computer you wish to run Server License on. Server License can be run Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server etc. server systems. After you purchased a server license for a server, all users on this server will able to use this product without any restrictions.

Developer License (Royalty Free License): It can be run on any number of servers or computers with any number of users, it is licensed by per developer. Developer License is royalty free for runtime desktop redistribution. Developer License does cover the Server License.

If you wish run our product (command line or SDK or COM) on lots of computers, you need purchase Developer License (Royalty Free License), once you purchased Developer License, you can run our product on any number of computers, you can also integrate our product with your application and distribute it with your own application royalty free.

However, if you will run our product on one server only, the one server license will enough to you, you may choose proper license according to how many computers that you will run our product on.

You may look at full license agreement from following page,


>>7. Do you have PDF2any SDK?

Yes, you can download it from following web page,


If you have any other questions about DOC to Any Converter, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

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