Convert MHT to PDF and encrypt PDF

Are you looking for the quickest way to convert MHT to PDF and encrypt PDF? Do you know that using command line is always the quickest way to launch programs and open files and folders? Yes, if you want to find a tool which can help you Convert MHT to PDF and encrypt PDF in an effective way, you should try VeryPDF HTML Tool Command Line. VeryPDF HTML Tool Command Line enables you to encrypt PDF files by setting owner passwords and open passwords. When you set an owner password, you can also set encryption parameter values to protect your PDF file from being copied, modified, edited, changed, extracted, etc. by others. You can also set both open password and owner password at the same time when you convert MHT to PDF.

You can download VeryPDF HTML Tool Command Line by just clicking here. After you install it on the computer, you can take two steps to convert MHT to PDF and encrypt PDF.

1. Open the command prompt window

In Windows XP, you can open the command prompt window as follows:

    1. Click Start in the left down corner of the screen,
    2. Click Run on the Start menu,
    3. Type “cmd” in the Run dialog box that pops out,
    4. Click OK. Then the command prompt window will appear on the desktop.

2. Type a command line

The basic usage of VeryPDF HTML Tool Command Line:

htmltools [options] <EMF-WMF-HTML-URL-MHT-RTF-file> [<PDF-PS-Image-file>]

According to the usage above, you can see that VeryPDF HTML Tool Command Line can convert files in formats like WMF, RTF, HTML, URL, and WMF to PDF files, PS files, or image files. But this article only aims to introduce how to convert MHT to PDF, so we simplify the usage to be the following one: htmltools [options] <MHT file> [<PDF file>]

If you want to see more information about the usage of VeryPDF HTML Tool Command Line, you can type the directory of the executable file in the command prompt window, such as d:\ htmltools\ htmltools.exe. Then all the options will be listed in the command prompt window. This article lists some of the related options:

    1. -openpwd <string> : Set 'open password' to PDF file
    2. -ownerpwd <string> : Set 'owner password' to PDF file
    3. -keylen <int> : Key length (40 or 128 bit)
        1. -keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
        2. -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
        3. -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
    4. -encryption <int> : Restrictions
        1. -encryption 4: Deny printing
        2. -encryption 8: Deny modification of contents
        3. -encryption 16: Deny copying of contents

For example, if you want to set an open password, you should type a command line as the following one.

d:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -openpwd "fly” -keylen 2 d:\in.mht c:\out.pdf

d:\htmltools\htmltools.exe is the directory of the executable file. -openpwd "fly” can be used to set an open password as "fly”. -keylen 2 sets the keyword length to be 128 bits. And d:\in.mht and c:\out.pdf represent the input file and the output file respectively.

For another example, if you don’t want users to print the PDF file, you can set an owner password and set an encryption option when you convert MHT to PDF via command line. The option -ownerpwd "fly”set owner password to be “fly” and the option –encryption 4 can help you prevent the output PDF file from being printed.

d:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -ownerpwd "fly” -keylen 2 –encryption 4 d:\in.mht c:\out.pdf

After you type a command line, don’t forget to press Enter on your keyboard. If you want to buy the full version, please click Purchase.

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