Convert documents of RTF to fax by command line

By using the application Document Converter, you can easily and quickly convert the document of rtf to fax format file only by three steps because the application is a professional document converter which is able to convert any printable documents to various image formats.

In addition, Document Converter has three internal applications which are designed for different purposes of different people. With the command line application, you can develop new applications by redistribute or embed it to your own applications. If you want to make batch conversion, you can use the GUI application as your helper because it has a friendly interface which is easy to use. By using the virtual printer application, you can scale page size and combine several pages on one single sheet to save paper and ink.

In this article, the command line application will play the leading role for converting rtf to fax. If you want to use it, you can download the free trial version at For using all functions without any limitations, you can buy it via clicking the following link:

Then please see the conversion steps in the following contents:

The first steps is to open the conversion platform—MS DOS interface. There are two ways you can use. One is to click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and type “cmd” in “Open” combo box. Then please click “OK” button. The other one is to use the hot key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box and do the same work next.

The second step is to input the command line into MS-DOS interface. The command line includes called program, source file and target file. The called program is the executable file doc2pdf.exe in the installation directory of the application. The source file is the RTF document to be converted. The target file is the Fax file you want to get.

Please see the command line example bel0w and in the command line, you should use the full paths of each file.

"C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\file1.rtf" -o "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\image1.fax"


  • "C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" is the path of doc2pdf.exe. If you don’t want to input the long path into MS-DOS interface, you can drag the file to be used to the window and then the file will turn to its path instantly.
  • "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\file1.rtf" following behind “-i” is the path of source file.
  • "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\image1.fax" following behind “-o” is the path of target file and you should specify it yourself.

After inputting the command line, you need to click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from rtf to fax and the target file will be saved in the location you have just set.

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