Print html to EMF by command line

You can convert the document of html to emf image format with the command line application no matter the online html or local html document. The command line application to be introduced in this article is the internal application MiniPrint. exe of the software development kit (SDK) Mini EMF Printer Driver.

Mini EMF Printer Driver is designed for software developers for designing software. You can call the virtual printer application and the command line application in your applications for realizing functions. There are also some demos written by different program languages such as VB, C#, Delphi for you refer to.

To use the command line application, you should click here for downloading Mini EMF Printer Driver. You need to install it on your computer. The command line application locates in the installation directory and you can call it freely in MS-DOS interface for it is a MS-DOS oriented application.

As a software developer, you will need the developer license of the SDK and you can buy it by clicking the following link:

Please see the steps about converting html to emf by the command line application. Only three steps are required and you can do it perfectly well.

1. Please open the MS-DOS prompt window. You can click “Start”—“Run” for opening “Run” dialog box in which you can input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. The hot key “Window”+ “R” will also do you a great favor in opening “Run” dialog box.

2. Then please input the command line for printing html to emf image in popup MS-DOS command line window. You just refer to the basic command line below to write your one.

miniprint.exe C:\in.htm C:\out.emf

In the command line, there are three necessary parts: called program—MiniPrint.exe, source file—html document, target file—EMF image file.

The following command line example will explain the basic one for you better.

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\html\html demo.htm" C:nobody.emf

In the command line,

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF Mini EMF Printer v2.0\emf_printer_driver\miniprint.exe" is the absolute path of MiniPrint.exe.

"C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\html\html demo.htm" is the absolute path of source file.

C:nobody.emf is the absolute path of target file.

When you need to input the file path into the command line window, you can drag the file you need into the window directly for saving time and energy.

3. The last step is to click “Enter” button for running the conversion from html to emf. Then you can find the target EMF image in the location you have just set in command line.

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