The Windows application VeryPDF ePub to iPhone Transfer allows you to create ePub ebook from your existing digital documents and set page margin for the created ePub file.
ePub format is widely used in many different devices to display books, newspapers and magazines. Unlike PDF, contents in ePub files are reflowable. In other words, the ePub contents are not laid out on set pages with a set layout. Instead, they can adapt to the screen of the device dynamically.
VeryPDF ePub to iPhone Transfer is a professional ePub creator that can generate ePub file from various file formats such as PDF, DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(S), RTF, TXT, JP(E)G, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIF(F) and HTML. In addition, it supports to define page margin, font size, text color, background color, line space, paragraph space, etc. for the created ePub file.
The following contents will use the example of creating ePub from PDF to show you how to accomplish the task in the first paragraph.
1. Download VeryPDF ePub to iPhone Transfer and install it on the computer.
2. Please launch this tool and click the second icon at the bottom of the main interface to go to the “ePub Creator” interface. Please see it in the following snapshot.
3. Please click the button Input Files at top of the right panel of the “ePub Creator” interface to add PDF into the file list. Then, please click the “folder” icon beside “Output Path” edit box to choose an output folder for the created ePub file.
4. Please click the first icon at bottom of the “ePub Creator” interface and then you can see an interface on the screen like the following snapshot.
In the “Margin” group box, please click the up-and-down floating button of “Top, Bottom, Left, Right” or directly input a number into the edit boxes. Then, please click the “OK” button to apply the settings.
5. Please click the second icon at bottom of the “ePub Creator” interface to start to convert PDF to ePub.
Several seconds later, you can view the created ePub file with an ePub reader installed on your computer.
Note: The trial version only allows you to convert the first five files in the file list to ePub. To eliminate the limitations, please buy the full version of VeryPDF ePub to iPhone Transfer.